Hi Yas Forums, I'm a 5'4 female, 170lbs atm. When I used to weigh 120 at a healthy weight, I still have always had bigger calves and I really hate it. What can I do to get slimmer legs? I've always been real self conscious about it. Right now I just started working out again and doing calisthenics and stretching because I'm super out of shape and I need to start easier
Hi Yas Forums, I'm a 5'4 female, 170lbs atm. When I used to weigh 120 at a healthy weight...
and I get what exactly?
Post body or just gtfo
some trap nudes I can offer.
Id wager either you have big calf muscles or you're just storing fat there for some reason
I'm trans btw, not sure if that matters
seeing as I'm not mentally defective I'm not interested
Jesus ur heavier than me and I'm 5 inches taller. Fast pls
I really don't want to post a picture I'm just having a hard time and wanted some advice
>What can I do about it?
exercising (cardio+bodyweight, I dont see weight training necessary for your body type)
be aware of one thing, fat spot targeting is an absolute lie made so people can profit off it
when in deficit you lose fat from whole body, your genetics decide where your body stores the most fat
if lets say your body stores most fat on your belly, that is the last place where it will stay
Okay cool I know I'm fat I was thinking about fasting there's so many different way to do it though
Not that user, but most people will do 8-10 hours eating window, but 12 is the max.
thank you for a serious reply, the dieting is the hardest part i've been changing my meals to be healthier over time and id really like to try the no refined sugar thing
Slim calves are far from your biggest concern..you weigh 170lbs..how about getting down to 120lbs again then worry about your calves.
that's the one i was thinking of doing! no eating late meals and snacks as well
yeah i know it's just the thing that gives me the most problems
Yeah, you more or less got it.
Get a bicycle.
How old are you.
i can't afford a bicycle atm, but i wanna do that again. i'm 28
use an online calculator to find your caloric need per day. From there plan meals. After that follow them and try not to think about it too much
Post calves
Calves size is genetic. Look at your mom or dads calves, i bet either or even both have big calves.
absolutely not i'm not getting made fun of for my fucking power legs
my mom is normal but my dad was straight up viking mode so that's probably why
Post body
few dieting tip, replace white bread with whole grain, if you like sweets eat fruits and honey and not refined cancer shit
also there is no way you have bigger calves than my exgf, mine were 46cm(18inch) when I was at my best and looked like a childs compared to hers kek
it's a blessing in disguise though if you dont fail at getting your weight under control and train your quads, hamstrings and glutes youll have amazing amazonian legs.
How are we gonna jerk off then?
i thought you guys jerked off to manchests
post your tits then
grab a yoga mat, learn how to breath w ur diaphragm and practice bodyweight air squats, pushups (if you can't practice planks and progressions) hip thrusts and lunges and then when you can get weights or equipment incorporate them, but just doing sets of 10 of each movement everyday would help.