Natty Deer Thread

Ask the Natty Deer.

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Will a girl come my way in the very near future?

Will I get fucking big and ripped this year?

nah for real come on bruh

Will *she* come back?

B-but what?

oh great natty deer, will i make it within the next week?


fuck you, you dumb fucking deer
I will make it and show you that you are nothing but an internet drawing
i will blow you the fuck out you hear me!

Do I give up DEX and go full STR build?

Lean and mean forever then

Should I go home tomorrow?

Do I stress and worry too much?

Is this the summer where I get back on track?

Should i go for strength this summer, and drop the cut?

I guess I reroll Mr deer

Will my forearm stop hurting

Am I gonna make it?

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Will my gyno be gone before summer break ends?

will i make my goal by july?

but what natty deer?

come on natty deer

do i have bad genetics

roll again

Should I give up and just acquire mass?

From Aaron: “will I get the internship I just applied to with the federal government?”

lol too fat

Will she and I get together?

Will the governor of my state, and his entire crotchbleeding family, live to see the month of May?

From Jack: “will I hit 1pl8 bench before we get back from Dublin?”

will the recipe im gonna try be good?


It’s real the naty deer is really real!

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is this the year i die?

thank fuck