Just turned 30

>just turned 30
>past 2y i feel myself getting weaker and tired even after a full nights rest
>not hungry ever
>never horny anymore
>fapping feel like shit
>no motivation to do anything
>everything in general feels off
>get hormonal panel
>test at 290

should i just hop on the juice? with blood results that low i can probably convince an endo to prescribe something and im not afraid of needles

can i cruse on 200 test e weekly? should i ask for aromasin in case of sides?

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Why not just get aderall or some shit

why would you take amphetamines to mask a problem that is a result of low test? why not just take test?

Yeah go ahead and make yourself dependent on a drug which will make you feel twenty times worse if you should be unable to acquire it regularly.

Humans disgust me with their easy way out thinking. What you should do instead, is maximize your natural potential.

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>test at 290
Dude, you qualify for legit TRT. Get on that shit ASAP.

He has medically low test, you retard. That causes depression, chronic fatigue, ED and more.


sure but know that at 200 a week you're not in TRT range but supraphysiological and increase your risk of coronary artery disease etc in the longterm if you're fine with that for better gains sure. otherwise stick to 100 a week and take blood tests a couple months in to see where ur at. also inject often enough to have a stable level

does depression cause low test or does low test cause depression?

I feel like a lot of people using test are going to come crashing down back to reality because it never fixed the root of the issue. Which is likely that you're depressed.

OP do you workout? Do you have goals? Take a long hard look at reality before going on test, it could be a bandaid to a problem that will continue.

You're wrong. 200mg is not a supraphysiologic dose lol. I wish, I TRT with a doctor approval at 230mg and I could do more. Where do you get those side effects from? lol lawd, you never have pinned have you?

He's low test because he's lazy. And he's looking for a shortcut like lazy people tend to do.

How do you lose your sex drive? I'm 29 and I wake up with an erection every morning. I'm horny all day every day, I could jerk it every hour.

try to get a script. 290 is absolutely low enough for legitimate supplementation

My test was at 290 at 26. Doc put me on clomid for 2 months because he didnt want to put me on actual juice until he saw that clomid didnt 'naturally' bring my test numbers up.

I'm on week 6. Still feel like shit, still hard to lose weight, still hard to put on muscle, still barely horny. Just push for actual TRT, dont let them jew you out of a few months

Same here, I am 28 and I stopped fapping as well. I still have very good performances in bed, but I have lost all interest in porn, jerking off etc... which is weird as I was practically addicted to it, maybe busting a load 1-2 times per day.
It all seems so pointless, just like life and I have zero drive to bust a nut in front of a monitor.

I would look at various areas of your life and habits that reduce t first and one by one try to resolve them first because once you start taking testosterone you're dependant upon it for life.

same here OP

my favorite part is people giving garbage advice like sleep more/be active without even knowing you or what you are doing:

i ve been of porn for three months
sleep 8 hours a day for three month
go to the gym every two days for three months
no fast food or sugar for three months

and im not depressed or anything i just have low libido and its very hard to gain muscle i just dont understand why people are so assblasted about testosterone

if you have insulin problems your doctor will just give you insulin but if you have testosterone problems people are going to try all kind of mental gymnastics to prevent you from getting testosterone, why?

200 test e will put you at like 1300 ng/dl

theres no way they will prescribe you that much

A) Go see a doctor, if you want a more specialized practice go to a male HRT clinic, an endo will give you a runaround
B) Cruise dose depends on bloodwork
C) If at all possible you want to avoid AI's on HRT/cruises, they have negative affects on blood lipids/IGF-1 levels and are thus not a good long term solution. If 200 mg of test a week gives you high e2 symptoms lower the dose.

i was working out 2 years ago when this first started and i still had the energy to do it, didnt gain any notice amount of muscle after 6 months of 3 times a week gym with a good program/eating right/getting enough sleep.

i am somewhat depressed but wouldnt you be after 2 years of living feeling absolutely terrible everyday? not having energy to do anything, not having the desire to pursue women, waking up dead tired every morning and taking hours to get to a somewhat functioning state of mind

hey fuck you buddy, you clearly never experienced anything like this if this is how you respond

>How do you lose your sex drive?
low test bro weren't you listening?

yeah i dont get this mindset either


Redpill me on TRT

At what point should a man start doing it?

when you have diagnosed low test

When you have low test and you present symptoms of low testosterone
It's entirely individual
I'd like to reiterate that you really should go to a male HRT clinic even if it means that you'll pay out of pocket. GPs/endos don't really deal with male HRT that much and are overly (imo) hesitant to prescribe test and overly eager to try things like clomid mono therapy

When he's done everything to live an active, healthy, high-T lifestyle but presents symptoms of low-T which are confirmed via blood work despite all efforts.

200 rarely is physiological, but for some people it is appearently you are one of them.. i said take a blood test a couple months in to see how he responds. Most people need no more than 100mg a week, and can be adjusted up depending on response. Besides that there are docs out there who will prescribe you higher doses just because you ask them to.
It is a very obvious concern with supraphysiological steroid use because of their negative influence on lipids and blood pressure and tendency to cause hypertrophic cardiomyopathy increase the cardiovascular risk profiles. TRT when dosed correctly is however is protective because hypogonadism is also bad for the cardiovascular system.

What he should do us maximize his potential period, natural or otherwise. Guys like you shoot yourself in the foot for no reason. That's fine, it's your prerogative and your life. But then dont get bitter/angry/jealous of those who choose otherwise.

You're describing depression, low test is much less vague. Sure hop on test and feel manly as fuck to fix it, otherwise just hit cardio and lifting more while slowly pulling a life worth living togegher, otherwise take an SSRI or bupropion to avoid weight gain and sexual side effects. You could try psychedelics on the weekends, you could try joining some clubs, you could try calling your mom more.
Lots of options my negro, do not fear.

You can take up to 300 a week before it starts to have negative impacts on cardiovascular health

ye thanks im looking for a mens clinic rn

you dont seem to get it because your test levels are probably fine, i wake up dead tired and it takes hours to get out of this state, i lack any and all appetite but i eat anyways because i have to, if i attempt to work out it feels like death and im sore for full week, im not talking leg day since this usually takes a long time, im talking even basic shit like curls, take forever to heal.

my memory is fucked and attention span is lower then it use to be, i find less and less things enjoyable/interesting.

im always uncomfortable no matter what im sitting on or what the ambient temperature is, mentally i just want to be left alone and dont want to interact with anyone as this is way too fucking draining.

i dont drink, smoke or do any drugs, not sure what a high-T lifestyle is suppose to look like in this corona quarantine but i doubt i'd be able to pull it off, there no point of doing anything when you feel sick 24/7

>have an unhealthy diet
>don't eat raw organs and don't get sun
>eat lots of grains/carbs/sugar(same thing, all digestible carbs turn to sugar and destroy you)

>wtf bros why am i low t at an age when normal people are not low t? I need to roid!!!

Lol hey guys look at this angry bitter baby boy. "I'm too scared and stupid to do anything to improve my quality of life so I'm gonna sit here and throw a temper tantrum".

Go away. No one likes you. Hell, you don't even like you. Work on yourself.

All things you've mentioned are consequences. Root cause is most of the time is shit diet. Fix your diet. Less plants. More animal food.

>don't use your brain/do novel things
>have a bad sugar filled, low organ meat diet
>brain starts degrading at 30
>wtf bros how did this happennnn

The more you talk the more you sound like you're just depressed bro

200 will put you in that range if your fit. When I was over 250lbs it was around 800-900. As soon as I got to a normal weight I hit about 1,300 ish. If you overweight or obese the belly fat will convert some of the test to estrogen. Honestly I can pen 3/4 puts me around 600-700 and it doesn’t feel much different from a full dose. 1,300 is not going to do a lot for muscle building you need a lot more to start seeing larger gains. Test is not a magic bullet people discount the extra human growth hormone one gets in their 20’s.

What magic properties does organ meat have that you couldn't get from vegetables/general fat sources?

>you clearly never experienced anything like this if this is how you respond
not him, but you just sound like a whiny faggot which lends credence to what he's saying. i'm gonna go out on a limb and say your diet and lifestyle are garbage, and that's why you're low test.
change your fucking lifestyle before you start shooting shit in your ass, because unless you work on not being a lazy cunt TRT won't help very much. i guarantee you'll, sooner or later, start missing shots or up the dose when your still-shit lifestyle prevents you from seeing steroid like results.
TRT will only help so much without you being otherwise healthy, and you sound like a dumb ass nigger who's gonna fuck up his endocrine system eventually.

(Not him) plant cholesterol fucks with your thyroid. Animal fats fix it.

>dont use your brain
entirely untrue, this all started while i was working as a full time app dev and was writing beautiful code that im proud of to this day, while at the same time i was starting a side business, investing in crypto and doing at least 3 other hobbies one of which was rock climbing, i quit the dev job because i could not concentrate on my work anymore and i was falling behind, i kept up the crypto trading and 6xed my $30k investment which is how i survived these past 2y, side business was a success but required more time and energy then i was able to give to it so now it stagnates, most of my hobbies were neglected.

>have a bad sugar filled, low organ meat diet
while i do partake in the occasional sugary food i do eat organ meats so that part is just wrong bro.

>brain starts degrading at 30
i was feeling this at 28 but whatever man.

you were making a whole lot of assumptions but whatever, have a (you)

I was there. I hit 41 and bam felt like I was 60 almost overnight. Went to the doc and I was 190. Doc put me on test and I have never looked back. I did have to go off for about 1 year to have my second child but back on after that and year felt semi shitty for the year I was off it.

How can one learn to love themselves? I look in the mirror and what's reflected back at me is disgusting. Repulsive. A true horror. What do I do?

Holy shit, you truly have lost your ability to think.


>Vitamin B12: 3,460% of the RDI. Vitamin B12 helps the formation of red blood cells and DNA. It is also involved in healthy brain function (2).
Vitamin A: 860–1,100% of the RDI. Vitamin A is important for normal vision, immune function and reproduction. It also helps organs like the heart and kidneys function properly (3).
>Iron: 80% of the RDI, or 35% for women of menstruating age. Iron is another essential nutrient that helps carry oxygen around the body. The iron in liver is heme iron, the kind most easily absorbed by the body (6, 7Trusted Source).
>Choline: Liver provides all of the Adequate Intake (AI) for women and nearly all of it for men (AI is used because there is insufficient evidence to set an RDI). Choline is important for brain development and liver function (9Trusted Source, 10).

These are just a few of many. You cannot get these in ANY plant source, and the only other sources for things like vitamin A and choline are other organs and raw eggs.

A lot of us here are depressed. We're VICTIMS dude. Shunned and rejected by society. Alotta people say just "man up!" But guys like me can't. My mom (god bless her soul) said emotional boys are cute, but girls online say it's kinda gross. I don't know what to believe..

Do you eat them raw, or cooked? Are you constantly eating, or eating only when you need?
>im a codemonkey, i use my brain!