"researchers discovered a significant correlation between men who were physically formidable and their belief that some...


"researchers discovered a significant correlation between men who were physically formidable and their belief that some social groups should dominate other social groups"

Yes. Seethe harder

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Other urls found in this thread:


No one cares about your politics user. Just focus on lifting dyel and not because of other peoples views.

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What the fuck am I then? The more i lift the more libertarian I become, I believe the strong should dominate ober the weak, yes, but only through voluntary associations and trades, which benefit both weak and strong anyway

>he’s not a papal monarchist.

>The more i lift the more libertarian I become, I believe the strong should dominate ober the weak

That's exactly what's going on, if you haven't noticed. The strong (the elite) have just decided to have various factions of the weak fuck each other over

>The strong (the elite) have just decided to have various factions of the weak fuck each other over
Except that "the elite" is just the State amd it's crony captalists

I only lift rocks because anprim gang

>tfw too intelligent to have any political affiliations

>People are still posting this faggotry two years later

Are you just desperate for a thread of yours to get replies?

The type of thinking only works in theory.
In practice you end up being dominated by Jews.

Maybe instead of wanting others to call you based you could work out

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Why are conservatives usually strong while liberals are usually dyel af?

Because liberals are more for acceptance and tolerance, while conservatives are more "lol fatfuck kys"

Because insecure people naturally tend to move toward the ideology of getting fucked by someone stronger than them and making up their self hate by lookmaxxing

What if you hate corporations but also hate SJWs?

>tfw too dumb for nuanced positions on different topics

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Leftists being weak and effeminate pussies isn't exactly news.

>In practice you end up being dominated by Jews
In practice there's not a single example in history of a monopoly forming in a free market, hence why jews NEED the State to get anywhere

Case in point, Rockfeller tried to buy the entire competition and dominate the oil market for decades, he never achieved it


What about when you have multiple companies all owned or directed by nepotistic Jews who all work on their own ethnic interest and donate money to pro Jewish lobby groups to steer public policy in a direction that's favourable to Jews whilst all the media and entertainment industry is owned by Jews?
What happens when Jews defacto take over the state through the power of media and finance?

Then you are Übermensch, Kameraden

>this exact same article has been linked here countless times over the last several years
>we have had this exact thread with these exact responses for three years

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>tfw too dumb for nuanced positions on different topics

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>Wants everyone to behave in a certain way
>Can't enforce it

Behold the libertardian

>be leftie
>make friends at gym
>they're all super pro-trump
>stop talking to people at the gym

why aren't there more Berniebros lifting?

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I couldn't care what vice says.

Why are her legs that far apart? Is she dead lifting?

sumo deadlift

>Why are conservatives usually strong

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Bro iam right here

Normal people don't go to internet meetups.

modern men are all pretty fucking weak

>"Science confirms"

I'll take my chances, mongrel.

>conservatives usually strong

lol no. strong people are mostly conservative, but the vast majority are still disgusting blobs or dyels

This isn't news desu. There's no causal connection here. They correlate, sure. But the cause of both is a belief that I and my people are responsible to create the world we want to see.

As opposed to the søybeards and journalists?

not as opposed to. more like 'just like'