Body fat estimate?

Body fat estimate?

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Damn that's my goal body. What would his weight be at 5'10"?

Like 155-165

I'd say 140-145

nice skinny legs faggot

i would say 10-12%

God I wish that were me
How do I look like that

what's this dudes name again? enzo something

Enzo Carini.
5'8 and 57kilos acording to google

This, would require more muscle

build some muscle and get tan and lean

The fat and ugly copecel coming through.

You actually think he's 125 lbs? Lol.

Idk I've seen 5'10 145 in CBT's and it's skinnier than this.

No, that's why I said according to google.

not gay but i'd cum on his face

>125 lbs?
I wouldn't doubt it. I'm less than two inches taller and 10kg heavier at little more body fat and i feel like a twink this guy is more like a twig than a twink.

same. glad im not the only one

Post body

Every time I post.

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well you're usually talking shit or saying something stupid, try something new for a change and workout chest. your arms are starting to get away from your build. obviously you're in good shape but the dude in the OP mogs on your chest and traps. you mog on his hands though, big ass fucking hands, mirin' those

Fuck no. I'm 5'10" and 155 and I've got fat on my stomach and chest
more like 140

Yeah but my point is he is 10kg lighter than me and I am only slightly taller. I've actually sort of stopped working out everything but chest and legs just to try and even things out. I'm starting to think we are some of the most active posters on fit if your who I think you are.

Whoops replied to myself not you

Is this body attainable for a 32 year old with a similar frame?

kek, could be, don't think there are many people here that actually post anymore. good call, it'll pay off, working chest will still hit your arms indirectly anyway. keep it up bro, and yeah you're right, dude is probably super dry when weighing in too since he's modeling

So you're like 5'9.5", 147 lbs?

12% body fat
30% semen
100% pozzed

Trust this guy, I can tell he knows what he's talking about.

Turns out I'm not even 5'9 I'm 175 cm 67kg what ever that is in Imperial measurement.
Less people making serious posts anyway.

Damn, I take back what I said. You look good, user.

Boomer user, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be spending time with your wife and kids?

Does that hairstyle have a name?