Quitters encourage and inform

Thread for people who have quit smoking, weed and/or cigarettes, to describe the gains and benifits of quitting, to encourage others to quit. I quit cigarettes Jan 1st. Haven't even wanted one since, and that's after smoking a pack or two a day since I was 11. 17 years wasted. I want to quit smoking weed now, but it's harder, I've developed a fairly strong psychological dependence. But for those of you who have quit weed, how did you feel after? I want to be motivated to quit.

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smoked weed for 6 years and cigs for 4. just grew up and got tired of the chemical dependence l guess. plus after going for a couple runs and realizing how fucked my lungs are it really turned me off to the whole idea. l'd rather feel good from working out and eating healthy, not from using a redditor happy feelgood plant

It takes a couple of weeks, but at some point you realize your willpower has returned. You realize it was lost in the first place. I really loved smoking weed; it was a ritual, to smoke, meditate and listen to music. A holy substance; i would never smoke and browse or anything like that.
And still, it wasn't worth it.

Quit months ago.
>no anxiety
>paranoia gone
I was smoking way too much
>no longer lazy as fuck
>lose 20lbs as of today
(Stopped eating like shit and started taking exercise and diet seriously, the actual cut started this month though)
>naturally happier
>dreaming again, quality sleep

>I like smoking weed lol

Good to know. I self medicate for anxiety and just general anger. I acknowledge I probably have such bad anxiety and mood swings because I smoke weed. I only smoke a few pinchies a day, to stay balanced, I don't get high, but if I don't have it inturn into a huge asshole. Gonna be a few rough weeks for my family.

i've been smoking on and off for about 10 years. currently smoking daily in quarantine. i like to smoke at night and watch some TV or play some vidya after the day's work/gym/etc. is done.

i tried to take a one-week break before 4/20 to reset my tolerance so i could get extra baked, but 2 days in, i caved and smoked before the week was up. i don't really feel negative symptoms of smoking weed (paranoia, anxiety, munchies, laziness, or whatever) but I do recognize that I'm dependent on it.

I plan to smoke the rest of the stuff I have and then take a break for a while. It's easiest for me to break from it if I don't have it, because the logical part of my brain can prevent me from buying more. It's just that if I have weed, I usually can't stop from smoking it.

long story short, no lessons were learned

dude just stop lmao it’s that easy
>t. haven’t smoked since september

I haven’t gone 4 days without smoking at least a pack of ciggies or drinking at least a 12 pack worth of beer since I was 20, I’m now 30.

want to quit but i am a grower lol
any advice?

Been smoking weed since 18, now 27. Stopped smoking cigs couple months back and never had a day where I felt like needing one.
Still smoke weed everyday so nicotine intake is probably still high. Still think about only smoking in the weekends after corona but who knows.

Been smoking only High THC Carts for like two years. I think I am starting to develop CHS, an episode or two maybe. not fan of nonstop vomiting and pain. Trying to do a T-Break today after throwing up this morning. Love weed and who I am when I am on it but I am starting to believe I might have to quit all together. It's not the boredom that I am worried with quitting it's what I experience when I do. Cold sweats, nausea, occasional vomiting, and all those pesky emotions I have to feel like anger and discomfort.

Beast, still if you can handle it then it's no biggy.
Still probably die younger in general.


just don't smoke your product? are you really that impulsive? you need jesus

I quit cigs and weed. Still use Zyn but don't like that fact.

Gentlemen, it's best never to start weed. If you smoke, stop immediately. If you smoked long-term in your teens and 20s you've likely permanently lowered your IQ. It raises the risk of psychosis and schizophrenia. It IS carcinogenic as hell--like all inhaled smoke. At first sleep will be difficult. On day 1 wake up early and do lots of exhausting things.

At first you will be sadd. Your life isn't as good as you thought it was. I spent my 20s as an absolute shitbag peon but felt content because of DUDE. Don't let it happen to you. Swallow the redpills about your life and understand that discipline is freedom.

Quit smoking weed 2 months ago
Benefits after about a month:
>felt significantly less retarded
>Much more motivated
>stopped eating like complete shit
Sleeping was extremely difficult the first week or 2, but the vivid dreams were super interesting as I hadn't dreamed in a long time and it was worth it in the long run although I miss it a lot

If you smoke weed more than once a week, you have a problem.

If you smoke weed once a week, you're borderline.

If you smoke once every two weeks max, you're fine.

Also if you smoke under the age of 25 you are retarded and it will make only more retarded

I was a big juul fiend for probably a year and a half, maybe two years, not exactly sure when I started. I would wake up every day and immediately hit a juul. I'm 8 months off today, aside from a few drunken cigs/juul rips. I know I wasn't a long term addict but I was a pretty heavy user. I definitely feel a bit more free now having gotten rid of that dependence.

I was never a heavy weed smoker, but I haven't smoked in over a year after having a bad trip from hitting a cart while on a tab. I figured out that weed makes my anxiety worse, and I also got HPPD the acid, and weed makes that worse too. the hppd got better for a while but it still comes back every once in a while. I just try to ignore it but it's gotten annoying in quarantine because I just sit around all day.

At the end of the day, only people who want to be edgy smoke cigs, and only high schoolers vape. I don't mind if people want to smoke but I think they underrate how bad it can be for your brain long term.
I HIGHLY recommend kava if you can find a kava bar near you, or if not you order some online. It has been the single best thing for my anxiety ever, period, full stop. It doesn't get the credit it deserves.

I have been smoking everyday and jacking off and needless to say my motor skills have declined. Driving is an endeavor and I am prone to bumping into people. I can't explain it but I have this urge to just start screaming and break down on the floor. However I told myslelf Ill be done when I finish this ounce and I am nowhere near close. Energy is a real thing and holy fuck I am seeing what being low energy was. It wasn't supposed to be like this

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So I only started smoking this year (cigs) and I feel like I can quit whenever I want to because I never get withdrawals when I don't have cigs, I just like to smoke. Does this go away and will I actually get hard withdrawals eventually? Should I just quit while I can?

just burn that fucking ounce. just burn it all or throw it in the trash. you dont need that weed bro you dont WANT that weed

what is Kava exactly? addictive?

Thank you, but I am too scared. I just want to be happy even if it can only last for 20-30 minutes.

go back you weak willed faggot

i'm not but in this brief moment of clarity you realise why you do it? 30 minutes of happiness? You need to find purpose, something thats going to make you happy. Get addicted to something productive. Drive your car somewhere today and just walk into the forest. Listen to the nature just take it all in.

I got a whole whopping no friends.
No girls.
No texts.
No notifications
No job
No muscles.

You try quitting.

totally non-addictive. It's a tree root extract from the pacific islands. It's a cultural drink over there. They serve it to celebrities and foreign dignitaries when they visit.

It's got muscle relaxing and anti-anxiety effects. It doesn't give you a head high, for me it just makes my anxiety go away, lifts my mood, and makes my body feel a little heavy and loose.

Haha! Cool, user! What else?

>getting high on your own supply
Shiggy diggy doo

nice digits but don't you think you're a total loser because of your addictions?
Just look at your apartment user, it's filthy.