Some states are "reopening," including gyms. I know Georgia for sure gyms have reopened

Some states are "reopening," including gyms. I know Georgia for sure gyms have reopened.

For any anons in these states, how are the gyms? Crowded? Dead? People wearing masks while lifting?


The problem is that although I'm from Florida, it's still on a city by city basis.

Which part of florida? I fucked a chick from Clermont once

capitalism meme really raped the fuck out of the american mind, christ
most of the civilised world is in lockdown for a reason
I genuinely hope this doesn't end up fucking over you guys

Oh fuck off you boot licking sheep.

I'm in Broward County. I'm afraid that my tiny city will be affected and gyms won't reopen because the urban youths in Dania and Fort Lauderdale think that this disease ain't shit and only affects those wicked old white folx.

>tfw NYCanon
>God knows when this shithole of a city/state is gonna reopen gyms

Anons who live in any of these states, cherish it. I think with the retarded Cuomo/De Blasio we're gonna be stuck through this until the end of the Summer. I was just starting to get my act together until this bullshit started

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Guy from 1 week in the future here, I've come back to post in this thread and tell you that everything is exactly the same as it was 5 months ago and nothing has changed

p-p-please open up the country so I can CONSOOM product please! I need to CONSOOM. I don't care if I get sick just let me CONSOOM

>implying any of us give a shit beyond making it

You are such a braindead faggot retard

Why is Alabama dropping the ball? They were supposed to be one of the based states


>florida reopening
>but at the discretion of local governments
>tfw parkland
I guarantee we’ll be part of the final 1% of the country to reopen.

Attached: F179E0E7-8DDA-4785-B911-5047C5E61448.jpg (506x960, 28.89K)

ArEnT yOu ScArRd Of A .2% LeathAl ViRuS.

I dont give a shit, I’m working with my home gym in 2020 or at least until winter I’m poor asf so this saves me and money anyways

Reopen the states, I wanna keep collecting unemployment and having this happen again

go shoot up a school maybe that will help


Lmao natural culling inc

Like Sweden? Also most of these states acan reopen becouse the majority of cases are in the tri state area

Well user unlike you most people can't live in their parents basement.

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>Some states are "reopening,"
>with stil >1.000 daily cases

Blame yourself for not already making it before this. You are no different than single women in their thirties complaining about not being able to find a man and start a family because of this.

Lots of cope ITT. States are reopening because the best healthcare system in the world said it was ok to do so

Drove by the gym here in Dawsonville a couple of times in the past few days. It's open but I've yet to see a car in the parking lot. They're only allowing 12 people in at a time but so far it looks like zero have gone in. Maybe once the week starts it'll pick up.

>fraction of 1% death rate
>over 99% of those have pre-existing conditions
>hurr you need to destroy your economy to save the boomers that couldn't even take care of themselves
eat shit europoor

Even the old people think this virus is all a hoax. Go onto the nextdoor app and you got fuckin boomers using words like SHEEPLE and WAKE UP on there. Its fuckin nuts cause they aren't anonymous either.

They were slow to close and now will be a bit slow to open compared to nearby states but it'll probably happen next week.
>"Governor Ivey is mindful and sensitive to the sacrifices the people of Alabama have made during this pandemic, and she is eager for businesses to safely reopen. She has been in continuous discussions with the White House and appreciates the helpful guidance that they have given to states as her and her fellow governors make these tough decisions,” she added.

Alabama is a shithole. You actually thought highly of them? You must be retarded

mouthbreathing replies aside, we are fucked anyway. No coherent plans or leadership, uneven responses everywhere, if locking down helps we missed the boat already.


They're just randos on Facebook, so what?

My mom works in the US. Don't fuck this up for me statebros

>mouthbreathing replies aside
Then why did you post one? the lockdown was to slow the virus to prevent the healthcare system from being overwhelmed. nowhere in the us was too overwhelmed to handle which was exactly the point.