what is a healthy weight, for a guy at this height with a medium frame? IRL.
Realistically how much should a guy that is 5'9 weigh?
depends how much muscle you have
65 to 75 kg
about 220lbs assuming you dont want to look like a malnurished twink
Maximum muscle potential is apparently 165lbs (75kg) at 5% bf or 173 (78.5kg) at 10%. Optimal weight is said to be 155 to 159. (~70-72kg)
200+ lbs
lmfao i doubt 200 lbs will look good on anyone that is 5-9 to 5'10.
unfotunately I am very out of shape man.
thank you. aiming at 162 lbs.
I'm 5'10" and 200 at 10% body fat is my ultimate goal weight. 10 year target
220lbs on a 5'9 guy at any reasonable bf% is gonna be STACKED lmao
tfw 5'9" 140
get er' done
BOUT 350
Same height & when I was 160 lbs my family used to make fun of me sayin' I looked like I just emerged from a concentration camp.
Not sure the matrix out there everyone abides by makes sense. I have a lot of muscle on this frame and can't see sustaining a puny 160 lbs my entire life.
160-170 pounds. i'm sitting at 185 pounds and fat as shit.
Common =/= normal
Around 70 kilo and lean will be very nice already. At 75 and lean u would look shredded.
T. Fellow manlet
twink status. Might as well start your transformation at that point
5'10" at 202 reporting in. I wish I was bigger
How did ya get your arms that big? 5'10 200 lbs as well.
Arm circumference?
you can be healthy anywhere between 130 lbs and 300 lbs at 5'9. you just have to decide what size you want to be
75kg at most if youre not on gear otherwise youll be strong fat at best, if thats your thing you can go up to 85-90
Same stats and goal; we’re gonna make it
You don't know his frame though
Sandow was 5'8" and 180 from what I've heard, and he looked pretty damn good. Maybe 190 for the extra joocy pecs they didn't really have back in the day.
My arms responded the best to simple high volume low weight curls. 5 to 6 sets of of 25~35 lb til failure, but I classify failure as when I can't use proper form, 1 minute rest and then repeat, for the next 5 to 6 sets.
Right arm is 16in, left is 14.5in, got a moderate imbalance from playing tennis.
160 lb average. 170-180 if ur fit
also lmao @ these kg-cels
tfw 5'9 125