The final solution routine

The final solution routine.
food, exercise, skin, sleep and brain

>water with ice
>eggs, oats, nuts
>sauerkraut/ pickles
>hard cheese/ fish/ liver
>onions, olive oil, parsley
>potatoes/ brown rice/ beans
>carrot/ tough apple after meal
>fruits 30 min before workouts
>jello with grug berry

>ab wheel
>time under tension, drop sets
>overhead press/ dips
>ring pull ups/ rows
>pistol squat/ lunges
>farmer walk/ deadlift
>calve raises
>hammer curls
>rotator cuff
>mobility, cardio
>skipping rope
>running uphill
>sprinting/ jumping
>swimming/ wall climbing on weekends

>long warm shower before bed
>nettle shampoo, aloes honey body cream
>deep pore cleanser/ exfoliating face scrub
>herb mint facial mask, coconut conditioner
>electric toothbrush, clean tongue and floss
>not oily nivea cream on hands and feet
>ceraVe's night cream with retinol on face
>melatonine, eye cover mask for bedtime
>growing mother-in-law's tongue next to bed
>30 min meditation with wim hof breathing
>no sleeping on belly, chest or face
>7.5 hour SLEEP
>spreading toes, sun and moon salute
>hot to cold shower
>single blade shave
>sunscreen moisturizer

>having a pet dog/ 2 parrots
>observing how others communicate
>setting goals that are related to your tasks
>learn new things that build on your existing knowledge
>write about what's on your mind, what's bothering you
>reward yourself as you complete an objective
>duo lingo russian/ german, mirror yells
>the kazachok he danced really wunderbar
>drumming, playing guitar, singing karaoke
>whistling, improvising, creating new music
>scetching common items in different positions
>using pictures/ recalling images from memory
>drawing emotional faces, shading 3d
>rehearse what you have learned
>empathy, teaching skills
>truth, no negativity

>no porn
>no caffeine
>no headphones
>no inhaling with mouth
>no sugar, no white flour
>magic shrooms once a year
>no other recreational drugs
>nice hat, sunglasses and shoes

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>no caffeine
Fuck off

fuck you

Thats why I lift and run barefoot.

>Wim hof method
>no pillow
>sleep on the floor

Is coffee good for you?

Attached: coffee.jpg (1280x720, 126.79K)

wim hof is already there, around sleep meditation
>no pillow
just use a small pillow, when you sleep on the side
>on floor
get cucked by no sleep in old years
why nobody lifts barefoot in my gyms?

>weed vaping 2 hours before bed time
>yelling nigger in front of group of niggers once a month
>shitposting on fit daily

coffee is a gains thief

Sleeping on the floor will give you better posture because it strengthens all the little muscles in your back that have been coddled by a mattress. It’s also much easier to get up in the mornings when you aren’t in a contraption designed to be as comforting as possible

i have a 25% performance dropp if i dont coffe before workout
and only have coffee before a workout
its green tea 2x a day otherwise
its a pretty good deal if you ask me

I've found that caffeine in moderate amounts used only for higher intensity workouts (2x a week max) is just fine. Tolerance breaks on deload weeks and always in the early afternoon so that it's never a crutch to wake up and not in your system when you go to bed.

You forgot to add:
>Somalian penis dribble
>Mars and Venus salute
>Daily Wombat sacrifice
>Sorcerer sets (10 reps each)
>Drink 250ml of prune and beet juice every Sunday and Tuesday
>Red light treatment
>Recieve a blessing from a priest, a rabbi and an imam each day
>Open your third eye 30 mins each day
>Tie a vine to your penis and then jump from a tree, hang like this for at least 5.5 minutes for proven penis enlargement
>Pray to the Indian gods Vishnu and Krishna twice a day
>Stretch back and legs while whispering grow grow grow to increase height
>Align chakras
>camel semen on face but not body
>camel pee everywhere else twice a day
>go to Makkah and pray to allah once a year

Did this for 7 weeks and have seen some good results. Hope this helps OP!

caffeine is a gains killer and abusing it makes you moody and unfocused

coffee suppresses your appetite -- it prevents you from eating enough to actually make gains, you're only experiencing a performance drop because you're addicted, the improvement in performance you're experiencing is just returning to your baseline because you're cucking your neurotransmitters drinking coffee in the first place

Learn some masturbation techniques, which dont put much grip on the dick and stretch it, one of my favourites is holding the base with both hands and letting your gf suck it

deadhangs AND hanging by the feet, with head down to decompress and stretch body
otherwise, everything else you posted is trash,unless you prove me that youre not pretending to be retarded, pic related my fav sex position

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You forgot autism pills

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>no sleeping on belly, chest or face
Why not?
I sleep on my belly with the left side of my face on the pillow.

fixed your stupid image for you

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Caffeine should be taken in small doses like a drug because it is a drug.

Having an entire drink of it in the form of coffee is already too much. Caffeine is literally poison designed to prevent bugs and small animals from eating the plant that grows it.

cause you want to me symmetrical, sleeping with bend head will fuck you up long term
sleeping on belly and chest makes breathing more difficult and may cause nightmares and lacks of oxygen wakes up up in the middle of the night

Miya plz leave

>>having a pet dog/ 2 parrots
>>observing how others communicate
>>setting goals that are related to your tasks
>>learn new things that build on your existing knowledge
>>write about what's on your mind, what's bothering you
>>reward yourself as you complete an objective
>>duo lingo russian/ german, mirror yells
>>the kazachok he danced really wunderbar
>>drumming, playing guitar, singing karaoke
>>whistling, improvising, creating new music
>>scetching common items in different positions
>>using pictures/ recalling images from memory
>>drawing emotional faces, shading 3d
>>rehearse what you have learned
>>empathy, teaching skills
>>truth, no negativity
The absolute autism starter pack.

This is the gayest most autistic shit I’ve ever read on this site. This is like “activated almonds” pretentiousness X100.

>sunscreen moisturizer
enjoy your dysfunctional pineal gland and chronic melatonin dependency

what is your mental gains routine? shitposting on basket weaving forum until failure? How far did you get in life with your brain fog?
do you have source on that? sunscreen on face is top tier

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This is the work of a dysfunctional, highly autistic, and deranged man.

Use a physical sunscreen, not a chemical one. The active ingredients should only be titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide.

7 figure business as overused as it sounds.
No better way to describe it, bear with the cringe.
I train my mind in real situations, not at home behind a screen.

what you do in your 'real situations'? wearing dresses and buttplugs in gay pubs?
all of them are chemical, Im using vitamin and coconut, dry spf 50 from bielenda

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Listen, OP, defending your cringe post won't cure your autism.
Your ways of "improving" your looks, body and brain are just the same as every other high functioning self-conscious autistic retard out there.
When you can handle stress, risky decisions and logistics, call me again about your little brain workout. Forgot about learning to communicate with people properly.

Might give it a try.
I want to add that when I used to fall asleep on my back I would always get sleep paralysis haha

it may be because of snoring, try nosebreathing, keeping teeth together and having tongue on roof of your mouth, very small or no pillow
try bettering oyur mind muscle connection with tongue and throat, singing and deepthroating works the best

you handle stress by not using alcohol and cocaine, I bet you dont even wash your sheets, you poopstain

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