Why are girls so bad at pushups?

Why are girls so bad at pushups?

No girl I know can even do one

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They’re lazy and spineless.
Obviously they’re taught to walk before they learn to be good for nothing but decoration, so their legs are never as offensively weak.

I lift for the upcoming race war of men vs women.

Because low test and smaller upper bodies giving less leverage

>They’re lazy and spineless. Obviously they’re taught to walk before they learn to be good for nothing but decoration, so their legs are never as offensively weak. I lift for the upcoming race war of men vs women.

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Because they don't train them much. Workouts designed for women tend to overemphasize glutes, abs and legs work.

What’s a good number for a woman?

40 is seen as a good number for men

I second this

Honestly 1 full rep is super rare.

Then 40 is a good number for women. Or should a women only be abke to do 0,73 push ups for each push up a man can do but still get the same gains?

Because men have stronger upper bodies than women, dumbass.
The fact this needs to be pointed out to guys that are supposedly knowledgeable about fitness is a little worrisome.

Honestly i think they're mostly lazy I know 4-5girls who can do at least 20.

>still get the same gains?

You have no idea how the human body works. Stop posting idiot.



Women can't do pushups because they were raped for millions of years and being physically strong meant you got raped less.

20 full reps no cheating? I only girls in pro fitness who can do that.

lower upper body strength (partially due to low test, and I think bone structure plays a role here too)

It's how Woodley got wrestlefucked so hard by Usman in their UFC bout, he had higher upper body strength.

>race war of men vs women.
>race war

Nice get

Boob-ups are more impressive

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my gf(female) can do a lot, tho
even with her massive female tits haha

thats because you dont know any gi

Trannies don’t count

Women are from other race

We have like 60% more upper body muscle fiber and that's just the dyels who participate in studies. May as well ask why fish can't walk.

Projecting: the post

You joke, but Rip says that a woman should be about to press 2/3 of her bodyweight. In terms of bodyweight exercises, I would translate that to about 2/3 the push-up reps as a man and half the bench press strength.

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Yep, I did he math and the numbers indicate that women have about 50% of the upper body strength of men, part of which is simple due to differences in healthy body weights.

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Pound for pound women are as strong as men, in terms of lean mass. But 2 things to consider
1. Women weigh less
2. Women make less gains

The influx of Yas Forumstards and trumpers in recent years has significantly lowered the collective IQ of Yas Forums, unfortunately

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extremely based. i date women only to sexually abuse them to the point they despise sex thus rendering them useless

It took me 3 months to bring my ex-gf to 1 pushup

My classmate german girl could do 10 pushups with bad form


>>race war of men vs women.
>>race war
This user here is 100% right.
It will just be a short race skirmish or maybe a race battle but no fucking way a race war. They don't really stand a chance.

this is wrong, nigger.

an untrained man has about 1,5x the upper body strength of an untrained woman of the same height and weight. last i checked, guys are quite a bit larger than grills. i'd wager any non-DYEL man has 3-5x the upper body strength of the average woman.

conclusion: women are fucking pathetic

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