How do I achieve nbayoungboymode?

How do I achieve nbayoungboymode?

>inb4 'dont eat and be dyel' fuck off

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Literally dont eat and be dyel

>Be skellymode
>Do push ups and crunches
There you go dont thank me

oh great more niggers I fucking hated the last five minutes of my life because I didn't have the media jews pushing niggers on me and I just felt so fucking empty like why would I go 2 seconds without thinking about those monkey fucks and how special they are for being black and retarded and how we have to baby them and give them money and oh please don't thank me mr nigger ape because if it wasn't for the white man your feral kind would still be swinging from banana trees with a life expectancy of 10 years eating each other like cannibals living in a world where "man", which I use loosely with you apes, is not the dominant creature so you're constantly in fear of cheetah or rhino attacks and a world where you haven't reached the neolithic era because your brains literally aren't human you dumb nigger fuck then you come here transported 200000 years ahead of where you were technologically and you have the nerve to fucking complain then you create a culture of savagery just like you had in the banana fields where you fucking rape and commit crimes and act like morons and make up clicks and hoots and hollers and shuck and jive like dumb fucking monkeys ooh ooh ahh ack it makes me so fucking sick and people look up to you but I haven't had these thoughts because I turned the tv off 5 minutes ago so thanks for bringing it back full circle 4channel you pack of rabid faggots

major cringe bro

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>huge shoulders
>no forearms
>no legs

My guess would be that he does a lot of dumbell press movements at high rep counts. Obviously hes a huge fan of curls with those well defined arms but since ye has no forearms he probably just curls 30 lbs for high reps. So pretty much grab some dumbells and do a lot of crunches.

Also you will never look like that specifically. Doubt yall have the same body type.


black girls and nigger "males" are basically different species, there can be no moral objection to just killing off the male groids and keeping the females.

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Tell me, why do they sag their pants? It is some sort of mating call to nigress?

Get herpes

Post nose
Both are just as bad Shekelberg

why would you keep negresses around, they're vile savage chimps too

black queens > white 'females' or asian insects, if your end goal isnt to impregnate a black woman then youre never gonna be Yas Forums and ur a faggot

black "people" resent us for giving them the gift of clothing. In the wilds of Africa all niggers were naked like all other animals

>making some half breed golem to impress your friends on 4channel
literally a special place in hell for race mixers like you. Without our significant advances in medicine a half ape like that wouldn't even be able to survive, it's literally species mixing chimera shit that we've "advanced" to the point of accepting

Michelle Obama tier tranny vibes

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Who hurt you?

If only I had no eyes, ears, nose, or brain, I could be a nigger lover like you.

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Enjoy your fully white 5'7 skinnyfat incel son whos gonna grow up and end up transitioning into a tranny meanwhile I create d1 athlete demi gods

>ook ook little booga throw ball through hoop like big ooga! ack ack!

Do some light body weight exercise
Don't eat
Get herpes

Rent free

I really don't think i would pull out desu

Pushups, some kind of shoulder exercise like pike pushups, pullups or handstand push ups and some ab exercises.

Cute. Would colonize

she cute

Smoke weed and fight other niggers


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Based and to beyond

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