Anyone replace their bed wit a futon for the sleep/back/space gains?
Anyone replace their bed wit a futon for the sleep/back/space gains?
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Fuck the chinks
If you sleep on a futon then you are probably still in college.
Why though
If you're in a small apartment then a bed you can pack away is a huge benefit
Slept on the floor for about 2.5 years now. I have a ikea top matress and hiking foam pads. Foam pad is about 1cm thick and ikea top is about 6cm thick. No problems with my back and love sleeping like this. Its firm but not too hard. I sleep on stomach, side and back.
Sometimes I sleep on my floor cause its nice. Most of the time I prefer my bed though.
? where
Over the years I’ve gone from big fluffy futon on the floor, to 1.5 inch roll out mattress pad, to now just a straight up yoga mat. I fold my blanket underneath me and use it like a sleeping bag to add just a little bit of extra cushion, and it is legitimately the best sleep I’ve ever gotten. Can take a month or so to get used to it, but afterwards it’s difficult to go back to any kind of bed or even the mattress pad. The firmness is amazing, it’s super comfortable once you’re used to it, and at least for me, it helps any orthopedic and digestive issues immensely. I normally hate naturalism arguments when it comes to health and fitness, but honestly, humans were all sleeping on floors and hard earth until very recently in history, and it’s probably way better for us.
I sleep on the floor. I already pay to eat, I'm not gonna pay to sleep.
I've got this 6in foam futon that I put on a bunch of stacked up construction materials. Basically a solid base. Eventually when I get rid of the materials, I'll have it on the actual floor.
Want to do this but not sure how it'd work with my gf sleeping over
This kinda looks like shit, but soemhow pretty fukkin comfy
I lived in Japan and slept on these for a semester or so while studying at a Japanese university.
They suck. The firmness becomes a bit of an issue for weight lifters, as it's seemingly WAY more likely that you end up laying on your arm and having it go to sleep or something. The height of a bed makes sex a bit more easy in terms of positions - the futon limits things more. Plus, you're expected to fold the thing away and put it in a closet every morning, which is a massive hassle.
Japan being Japan, they still keep these alive because MUH TRADITION despite the fact that pretty much everyone who can replaces them with a real bed.
I started using a cotton mat a few years ago when I bought my power rack (I keep it in my room because of pets), and it's great. Every night, I sleep soundly under my towering monolith reminding me to make gains
Have been sleeping on a pretty hard bed and prefer it to softer mattresses. After having used a soft bed for a few months it took some time to get used it, but is nice. The social gains have been excellent, as I had to see a physician because my back hurts from sleeping, and now I am dating said physician .
sounds comfy
Enjoy your bites from bedbugs
There's a reason bed frames exist
Got a floor mat last year, best decision of my adult life. So much more room for activities. On an unrelated note, do you like guacamole?
>On an unrelated note, do you like guacamole?
Still trying to move those bowls, Jeb?
yes, for 6 months
it sucked
back hurt all the time
it's bullshit
I stack a bunch of blankets and sleep on them, I like it
Sorry third worlder this thread isn't for you
all you need
Pajeet pls, civilized people are talking
*freezes you to death in your sleep*
Nothing personal kid
I just sleep in a sleeping bag on my bedroom floor. Shits cash, been doing it for 14 years.
I put the sleeping bag away and pretend I sleep in a bed when I have thots over though.
>saves space
>cleaning is easier since you don't have to reach under a bed frame
>my back hurts
>the floor is cold
Thinking of switching to pic related for a different experience.
I got a Casper mattress. no complaints
cope whitey
>0.50 USD have been deposited in your account
About to get into some fag shit, don't think I'm not self-aware.
Got pretty bad anxiety problems. Shrink says it's PTSD. Still not sure if I agree. I Digress. I'm practically a claustrophiliac, as long as I know I can get out, I fucking love small spaces. The smaller the space, the more control I have, the safer I feel. So about a year ago, I tossed out my mattress and bought a decent-sized camping tent on discount. Got ventilation windows and everything, I can set my fan up beside it and keep it cool all night. I just tossed a bunch of blankets and a couple pillows inside, and I just burrow in every night. Super comfy. Like my own little NEET nest.