Ways this board has messed you up for life

Ways this board has messed you up for life.

For me, I can't look at porn without thinking of the coomer

Attached: coomer.jpg (1545x869, 91.62K)

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>For me, I can't look at porn without thinking of the coomer
You should watch this then

>I can't be a cuck without realising how much of a greasy faggot I look like
>How will I live
Drown yourself in your bathtub

nice dubs



>constantly compare myself to others
>hate myself for being 5'8
>body dysmorphia
>think in memes
>know i will never achieve my goals natty

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I realized that even if I get fit I still have so much other things in my life to fix in order to make it

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Needed a laugh. Thanks.

more like this?

100% THIS.
Realized a lot of my confidence issues and depression comes from all these stupid pictures of David Laid and niggas like him that just look picture perfect and I feel like absolute ass when I'm 10% bf and look like an auschwitz survivor.

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>uncomfortable black dude watching sissy couple
>fatty fucking gremlin yang-ganger
>father/son porn enthusiasts
i'm actually at a loss for words

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That girl at around six minutes is actually so is actually motivating more than anything I've ever seen to stop porn. Fuck

Attached: d90.jpg (482x427, 74.8K)

>That girl at around six minutes is actually so

I knew what to expect but still I wasn't prepared for those levels of degeneracy. Real life coomers are pathetic.

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Holy shit, this video is more motivating than any coomer meme I've found on YouTube. Good shit user

>compare my body to statistical outliers
I bet if you bench even 2 plates you’re stronger than 95% of all other men.

I think this is the only board that has had a net positive impact on my life. I've been very diligent about self improvement since I got sick of r9k and made this board my home.
Do waste more time than I should in here tho.

Sad. Didn't proof read.

We are all going to make it my friend

I always thought I was semi good looking. THen seome fucking lookism faggot got me to look at my profile, which is basically pic related

Attached: fuckinglookismfaggots.png (553x521, 14.64K)

The catholic church was right to declare america as heretical.

I've became insecure about my chest,AS A GUY

I started calling Brad Pitt weird words like twink and otter...

How the fuck is that a downside? Do you WANT to be a degenerate?

this picture always makes me laugh

Manlets shouldn't use picture of 190 cm Guts.

>"Should all white boys be trained like you bitch?!"
Meanwhile the black guy is just confused and standing there. LMFAO

Attached: Screenshot_20200426-200051.png (1920x1080, 1.56M)

This but 5'10"

I have a near god-tier profile and still feel like the lowest bottom tier guy. it's all in your head bro.

>Absolutely abhor fat people, go out of my way to avoid interaction with them (and niggers)
>Began to love lifting, absolutely my favorite part of the day
>Stopped watching porn
Fuck you if you think this site is bad for you fag. Fix yourself

Check out the typical "King" poster at the 5 minute mark.

"built for BBC" poster at 5 min

>shaking hands at porn convention