Can we have a mental health thread? I'm trying to lose weight for a year now but depression is holding me back so much, I just have 0 energy all the time even when eating right. How do you guys manage to get enough energy and determination to lift?
Can we have a mental health thread? I'm trying to lose weight for a year now but depression is holding me back so much...
Fuck that shit brah. You can either be a sick cunt or you can be a sad cunt. Don't be a sad cunt brah.
nothing is holding u back from losing weight u gay retard, literally just stop shoving food in ur fat fucking pig mouth cunt
>even when eating right
What are you eating? Maybe it's not actually Right™
>How do you guys manage to get enough energy and determination to lift?
After a while it becomes a habit and just like any other habit, lifting becomes a thing that's just on your mind. If you don't do it for a day or two you get a feeling similar to that of a sugar craving if you don't eat sugar daily. Then there's just nothing you can do to make those thoughts go away, you have to lift.
Just stay in bed and don't eat when you can't get yourself to do anything. Start a routine if you get out of bed or start doing push-ups when you're stuck midway.
I've been doing 20/4 intermittent fasting daily, eating one meal a day around 500 calories, I feel I am barely losing weight. What the fuck anons why does losing fat gotta be so fucking retarded? the diet didn't work and now this. I feel the exact same as I started out like 3 months ago. I just wanna cut and get really lean during quarantine then plaster on muscle at the gym when it opens. How would I go about doing this.
Train without discipline. If you need discipline you're screwed. You need to derive pleasure from lifting. If you enjoy it enough then you'll never need discipline or energy again
Oatz, dairy and sometimes eggs for breakfast. I don't usually eat lunch, usually just chicken and veggies for dinner and yogurt. Nuts and some fruits in between sometimes.
I did lost around 20 kg so far, I'm too autismo to go to gym so bought a bar and weights and did my work at home. I do really good for a while but some time after it just gets worse and all my progress gets resetted. I tried everything from meds to therapy, it's just not going away.
1200 cals min a day, do 16 hour fasts with 8 hour feeding window.
Remember the whoosh effect, weight doesn't come off in one go as your body retains water where the fat used to be incase the fat comes back for up to 5 days.
I've lost 16 pounds in a month so far.
>16/8 “fasting”
So you mean skip breakfast basically?
that's such fucking bullshit. If I kill myself I won't have to deal with this shit so I might consider it. I don't know how to get my mom to stop cooking for me because she literally does not give a flying fuck about the calories in her meals so I'm usually guessing and I probably underestimate a 750 calorie meal to be 500. I figured "hey might as well just fast and only eat dinner so that I don't have to worry about the calories I get from her food bc no matter what it'll be below maintenance", what do I say? She tries so hard, too Everytime I say "I'll make my own dinner so that it has less calories" she gets mad and basically force feeds me because she thinks it's unhealthy to not eat her dinner. FUCK bros I hate being brown, it's over. My subhuman genetics were never meant to make it.
No eat breakfast, lunch and dinner in the 8 hour window.
How old are you that your mother is capable of force feeding you?
based and checked
take full responsibility, it's not your depression that's causing your inability to use an app like my fitness pal or lifesum
buy a kitchen scale, weight everything, count calories mate
you will make it if you are consistent
When you're brown, age doesn't matter. Im 18 but this'll go on well after my 20's, probably up until I'm married at which point I'll get a wife who'll do the same shit and become one of those boomers who hates his wife. It's the same with my other brown friends, one guy who was older than me, probably in his late 20s now had the EXACT thing happen to him.
Based. Mentality is everything. You must enjoy lifting.
Solution: Don't eat
Solution: Eat
Wow so fucking hard. Just stop eating until you weigh what you want to weight. Will probably fix your depression too.
wow, guess I'll just do this. Actually great advice.
I don’t really understand the point to keeping on living. I’ve had chronic depression for the past ten years now with the exciting dip into severe depression at times. I’m 26, and I can’t imagine I’ll ever find enjoyment out of the next 50-60 of my life. I’ve given up on falling in love, I don’t think anyone would ever want such a morose person such as myself. The only relief I get is from lifting.
I’m thinking about finishing a degree and starting my life over in a new city. I have my friends who care about me but I feel guilt over that. I can’t have them spend the rest of their life worrying about me and I think it’s best I move away.
Stoic philosophy helped me.
Do your best by focusing on on that which is in your control.
If something is not in your control, or cannot be changed through your thoughts or action, forget about it, it shouldn't occupy your mind.
Set yourself achievable goals that are meaningful to you, and focus on taking action to achieve them.
If you do this, you will be happy.
Happiness is found in the honest knowledge that you have spent your day doing everything in your power to improve yourself. Fear, worry, shame, anxiety all stem from the disconnect between your self image and your actions.
Where should I start my reading?
>Solution: Eat
this one requires actual work user
You don't need to read about stoicism to practice it, just having a basic idea is enough.
Dude just wait a few days for the depression to go away and then work out.
The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday is an audiobook I took a lot from.
The Art of Living is a nice cheap book that puts Stoic thought in to simple single page lessons.
These mostly use Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and Enchiridion by Epictetus as their source material.
unironically this.
are you in a cia blacksite being forcefed food through a tube? no? then shut the fuck up and eat less, you pathetic slob. jesus fucking christ go back to tumblr you disgusting whale kike
Thing is it never goes away, it's not something you switch on and off.
jokes on you. gyms wont open for another year at least. need vaccine first
I’m 20 currently, I started having some difficult life experiences at 10 and by 12-18 I was severely depressed. Also had ADHD which didn’t help. The things that helped me were: stop letting myself just wallow in potty and actually doing something, getting a wife who truly loved me, and getting actual psychiatric help. Now I feel like I’m making really good progress and am actually satisfied in life for once. It’s super hard but you ultimately have to lift yourself up and do the things to make you feel better. It’s never going to change else wise.
The Enchiridion - Epictetus
I'd say move out but honestly quarantine is a valid excuse at present. just plan to move out when quarantine is over.
The answer is this: . OP, you literally have to stand up and dance to disco music within the next minute or you're ngmi
I used to enjoy camping, building ship models, amateur astronomy but they don't bring me joy anymore. I'm a 30 year old KHV goblin, so a gf/wife is out of question since no one even looks at my way.
>boohoo my mom cooks for me blah blah blah
Fuck off retard, just don't finish your portions.
Tell her you want to practice cooking for yourself
haha yea imagine complaining about living rent free and getting homecooked meals. superpower 2020 shitheads (literally)
Is it such a bad thing having a steady stream of home cooked meals from your mother then your wife?
Just embrace chunk mode and enjoy being strong, loved and well fed
Well, did you do it, OP?
Bro if none of your hobbies bring you enjoyment anymore you are severely depressed. You need medication or a natural process to bring the same result. You have a shortage of dopamine or serotonin.
I've been on many different meds and therapy for 12 years now. None of them worked.