How do they get away with it?

How do they get away with it?

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she cute

Get away with what?

Face like a slapped arse.

She looked like bullshit in the first as well

it's simple, don't believe a photo.
If you're meeting a girl don't commit to anything to you've atleast seen her in public
but if you're just looking at pics to cooom then who cares if it's fake

We get away with it too though. Walk into a bar on Friday night and see how many chubby guys are standing up really straight and sucking their guts in.

Who hurt you? Why do you have such shit opinions?

holding it in

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Not the negro you're replying but I believe he noted the sense of humor on the girl and that, for lot of guys, is a plus.
Also, she ain't that bad, psycho.

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I'm in this picture and I don't like it

i mean just looking at her arms you can clearly see she's a fat fuck


die coomer scum

almost saved it

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Literally every single girl posted on here is a horrible shoop it's all you coomer bastards faults and you know it

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That right arm is pretty aesthetic though

They're not getting away with it, because Chad just pumps and dumps them, and they just get depressed and fall further down the rabbithole.

being turned on by something doesnt make you a coomer it makes you a healthy male you autistic incel

Because men are thirsty as fuck and really don't care if she really is fat. They just want a hole yo stick their dick in.

Society is slowly leaving women behind. It's only a matter of time.

What's men's equivalent of make up?

Attached: makeup.jpg (960x960, 91.55K)

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Make up

Attached: 0E98FA33-A30F-4D08-8CF5-656D47C2A7A1.jpg (519x640, 89.25K)

They all look like shit, with or without makeup.

>this image was made to make men look foolish


3, 6, 7 and 12 are cute
2 without make up is wife

Can you imagine how much men would get the piss taken out of them if they tensed and contorted their body to look big like women do to look good? It aint fair bros


>'they' think we don't know "no makeup" means makeup