If a diet requires me to eat red meat can I just eat ground beef instead of prime cuts?

If a diet requires me to eat red meat can I just eat ground beef instead of prime cuts?
Cuts are more expensive than ground but beef is beef, right?

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You can, but ground beef is cheaper because the nutritional quality is not as good

this. go to the butcher and ask him what is cheap and good an how to cook it. ground beef is off cuts, scraps, connective tissue etc. you might get some stewing beef, whatever it is called in USA, for cheap too.

>the nutritional quality is not as good
Do they do something to the meat or is it just becuase it's different parts of the animal?

I don't really have any butchers nearby

just steal it. go to self checkout and dont scan it

It's just the cheaper cuts all ground up. It's fine to use it. Not optimal, but still doable

I've started on the silverside (pretty sure you yanks call it corned beef) train and its fucking great. Cheaper than mince, comes in a 1-2kg solid lump and has more protein than other cuts.
Making jerky from it is godtier

Its all about the lean/fat ratio. Throwing a steak through a grinder isn't going to change its nutrient profile. But ground beef generally includes fat trimmings to make your burgers juicier. Most common ground beef is 80-85% lean. A steak, depending on cut, could be 95+% lean.

I can get ground beef that's 5% fat but I'm not sure about price compared to other ground beef
also, I thought fat was good

how do people eat red meat? it tastes like mud

ground beef is severely undervalued. high in zinc and collagen.

/ck/ pls go

Just get the cheapest good quality.
I get 20% fat at £2.50 per kilo british beef mince.
It's great for burgers or pastas

If you're going to get ground beef, you want fat. Whatever it is you're making, the fat is what will hold it together. 5% fat is going to be super dry and mealy. 20% is ideal for cooking burgers.

Why not both
Steak is magical man, it's a straight up antidepressant for me
If you know how to make it, it's amazing, but I wouldn't eat it more than once a week
You can still have the ground beef as well, you're probably buying some garbage you shouldn't be eating anyways aren't you

95/5 will probably be comparable in price to lower-mid level cuts. But it will be easier to cook and chew.

Fat is good. You're just probably getting fats from elsewhere in your diet, and meat is likely your main protein source. Honestly 90/10 would be fine.

The real problem with fattier ground beef (80-) is that a lot of that fat is liquefying during cooking, either falling through the cracks in your grill, or making a nice greasy film floating on the top of your sauce. You're probably not eating it.

Fat makes you fat

>20% is ideal for cooking burgers

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>Steak is magical man, it's a straight up antidepressant for me
This. I started eating steak recently and I regret that I hadn't been eating it my entire life. A nice juicy steak makes me feel good for 2 days.

Normal ground beef is much more fat than protein,but you can also get lean ground beef. The price difference is not as big though if you get lean ground beef.

Buy food on sale, but leaner ground beef, make sure you hot your macros.

I've been carnivore for 5 years. The first year I was all about the ribeyes and new York strip and blah fucking blah. It got too damn expensive. Now I eat about 6-10 eggs a day from my backyard chickens along with 2-4lbs of the cheapest ground beef I can find. I will occasionally have a chuck roast if it was on a good sale price, maybe once a month. The roast I'll braise in the crockpot with some bone broth.

The only times I eat steak now is when my father treats me to his favorite steakhouse on my birthday.

Shouldn't you just be eating some offal/innards once in a while?
Liver, lungs?
Beef and muscle isn't where the nutrients are user.

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He's right though, some even go for 70/30. Why the fuck are you replying without knowing the subject?

in my store i just ask the guy at the meat section to ground me up some fine cuts it shouldn't be that much more expensive

>requires me to eat red meat
if you don't want to eat beef just boil your chicken in water with red food colouring

It's also called stew beef here

holy fuck that pic is depressing

Only organ meat I can really find is liver and I can't stomac it. I've tried everything but there is just something about that makes my body reject it.
It's weird since I'm not a picky eater

I do this and it fools the body well

If you live in the USA, check and compare the Nutritional Information. Seriously, put some effort into it.

The leaner it is the more expensive it is for ground beef

>ground beef is off cuts, scraps, connective tissue etc
Really? Disgusting. I thought the norm was to ask for a specific cut and then just tell the butcher to grind it.

How the fuck is it disgusting? You couldn’t even tell the difference until someone told you lmao