Whats his routine?
Whats his routine?
5 sets of carrying 100L of water from river to hut
2 sets of furnace making
1 set of house making
He's definitely beefed up since the channel began.
Literally just living feral and surviving off the land for months at a time.
>imagine being so fucking dyel that someone like this primitive turbo manlet technology guy looks "jacked" to you
post body
from reddit ama:
>Go home most nights. Do weights in the garage, gym is a waste of money
if this guy actually lift weights it's fucking pathetic
>Do weights in the garage, gym is a waste of money
Absolutely Based & Redpilled home-gym master race
>the state of Yas Forums
his routine is un-ironically trying to live in the forest
Post Body
Decent diet and being physically active
Yes, breathing chemical fumes and all kinds of particles in your garage is incredibly based
does your garage not have a garage door?
I mean he's got tone and definition but he's far from
>he's got tone and definition
fucking where?
When did anyone say he was "jacked"..post body
>he doesnt leave his car running while lifting
It's like you dont want those lung gains bro
>that guy doesn't have tone and definition
body dysmorphia much?
Post body
His shoulders are pretty big
Hes not a faggot with a tan and special lighting, he mogs lots of guys in pictures with perfectly orchestrated circumstances for the best possible photo.
Log carries in sets of ∞
>he mogs lots of guys
he's literally a skinnyfat 5'4 turbo manlet, it's just the truth. I wonder how fucking shit is your body if you're defending this guy so much?
Why haven't you posted your body yet?
he looks so short in that picture.
Imagine being so fat and retarded and brainwashed by the countless instagram male whores with perfect tan lightning and 100 kg of muscle on 7% bf that you feel the need to shit on everyone that cannot compare to them.
Trash talking a man trying to educate people on primitive technology is just sad and pathetic.
Nobody is saying he looks bad we're saying his normal ass body does not look good yet.
shut up, tripnigger
he looks like he has autsim as well