I just realized after 23 years of life that I'm an ugly person

I just realized after 23 years of life that I'm an ugly person.

How do I cope?

Attached: download.png (238x212, 6.58K)

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Let me guess

You thought you were a 7/10 but had bad social skills and personality you had to work on, but then you finally faced reality and realised you were a 4/10 and that your social skills and personality had pretty much nothing to do with it

Yes, except I thought I was a 9/10.
People do compliment me regularly but no girl has ever approached me and I have had 0 matches on Tinder in 5-6 years

I still see the mirror and see a handsome man.
But now I know.

accept a life of celibacy and you'll feel instant freedom from that. in fact you might just start dancing to your favorite song without a care in the world with the huge confidence boost so be careful

Attached: ging gleam.png (682x230, 162.13K)

If people complement you to your face, they don’t mean it. To your face they do it to try build your self esteem because they’re nice people and think you’re insecure

The truth happens behind people’s backs, like “omg he’s so fucking hot” but she will sperg out when the guy is in front of her and she won’t say he is good looking, she’ll be trying to hold her spaghetti in.

right, no female has ever complimented me ironically, it has always been men.

so im going to go the classic route of make tons of money to cope being ugly
any ugly anons try that?

Haircut (that actually fits your head) work out take care of the basics you know shave cut you nails shower deodorant Cologne etc get clothes that look nice and just work on your personality and confidence

Post face nigger
I wanna see

This. 33 year old incel here. I blame my height and autism, and face is average at best.

Spent my entire 20s dwelling on it but now I just stopped caring. I’m at the point where I’ve missed the boat, I’m not going to ever experience being 18-25 having young adult sex, all the women are obese at my age, all the young women have 100,000 guys per woman trying to get with them. At some point you just have to know it’s over, and move on. I wish I moved on earlier in life instead of spending all my 20s caring about that shit.

Attached: npc.png (860x1078, 60.76K)

Just be yourself, OP.

Attached: the chad pull.webm (480x480, 2.57M)

Very fit related

Either post face and get advices for surgeries or fuck right off

dudes i am not sure why you feel so competitive and shit, im not saying im a statistical anomaly chad who doesn't get girls

i am simply looking for coping strategies

Cause you bitch about it on fit instead of r9gay

Either fuck off or just post face

There are two kinds of ugly. Ugly but in a good way and ugly but in a bad way.

I am ugly but some girls, especially underage girls, are attracted to me. To girls in their 20's i am super ugly and they are never interested.

I used to cope by going to under18 parties and hook up with girls there, but now i am 24 and too old for that.

Old ladies often compliment me on my looks. My facial features are very sharp, what is good. But i have a really bad case of resting bitch face. Also i have long hair what sometimes comes off as creepy, but some girls like it and want to feel my hair.

Chico /barret face

Lacking universal appeal aside from underage girls

Normies 5/10 get no matches either. So you might just be average.

So I'm above 5/10?

Surgery maxxing, cya fgts

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-16-01-54-41-716_com.miui.gallery.jpg (1080x2246, 338.26K)

>not in a western country


fuck off you disgusting greasy kike.

When you fuckers will actually try to get rid of us, I will

no i wont post face
suck my dick rat

There is no cope and it’s life on hard mode. If you’re lean you’ll be fine. And if you’re tall you’ll be more than fine. You can looks max and get fit and try to develop a charming personality.

user, every time you think you're ugly and a freak, look at this reddit and you'll instantly feel a lot better about yourself: reddit.com/r/FreedTheNips/

>suck my dick rat

Attached: dick rat.jpg (700x518, 42.22K)

If it’s your mom complimenting you it does not count. While looks and appearances do matter a lot, you should still try to at least have a good body, dress properly and be clean, work on your social skills and just generally try to thrive on the other aspects of your life I guess. The world does not stop because you are ugly, there are plenty of ugly ass dudes who still manage to get a gf/get married/have girls’ attention

Kappa opioid receptor activation

It's funny how still nobody here get it. You only need effective reward system, Slightly above IQ (To make your life less dull and full of curiosity) and not very high sex drive to have it good in life. Anything else is a cope from people who don't have those 3.

post pic

Yeah this. Tho chico and barret (especially chico) still have it very easy because they're the top tier in their niche market. But overall the average feminine looking guy have it rough with 16+ girls

The best strategy for actual irredeemably uggo guys is to make yourself look tough.
But you might not be a total uggo, this is Yas Forums so it's possible (likely) that you are fat, have poor hygiene, a bowl cut, and birth control glasses as well as zero style.

Also, I have to ask, how Jewish do you look? Don't dodge this, do you think you look more like Joel Kinneman or more like Anthony Weiner? As you are doubtless aware, jews who want to look good try to look as non Jewish as possible so that can be a big factor for you.

>0 matches on Tinder in 5-6 years
you're just ultra shit at using Tinder
post face, you started a thread about your face, you're gay and retarded if you don't post it

Unironically just be confident and don't walk around with a faggy sad face because you're ugly

One of my best friends is certified ugly + short (5'3) and very obese. His face has dark spots and body is riddled with really gross markings

Wanna know something else? He's extremely successful with several businesses under his belt and even before that, always carried himself with happiness and women oddly flocked to him.

His consistency was that he was never a sad bitch and always felt grateful for his life and people/women can see that and gravitate towards you.

You can be ugly physically but try your best to not be ugly mentally.

You’re coping hard if you think 6’3 Barrett and Chico don’t have mascualine facial dimorphism in the top 0.01%