If I drink a bottle of Whiskey a week how much do you think that will hinder my weight loss?

If I drink a bottle of Whiskey a week how much do you think that will hinder my weight loss?

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about 1900kcal

just eat one small meal a day on the days youre getting shitfaced and exercise before

So that should mitigate it. Good idea.

Though I noticed drinking my calories doesn't seem to make me gain as much weight and eating them. Is there a reason for this?

>Scotch Whiskey
nigger tier

dehydration... you are gaining in the long run

Damn, I suppose I was hoping for a reason that would allow me to continue to drink well shedding some pounds.

Atleast drink a singlemalt, not Jonathan sharter

What you drink? Black Velvet?

Calories in, calories out. If you're on 1800 calories a day, then you can drink at maximum 1800 calories of whiskey and nothing else. You can do this.

2 years i cut while getting wasted 2-3 times a week... i compensated with cardio and eating less, it´s possible but not sustainable, eating a lot of veggies and continue lifting even if you feel like shit helps anyhow

Shit, that sounds awful. Guess I can't drink. Or I can drink in moderation, but who wants to drink if you can't get shitfaced.

How much did you cut while doing this?

I mean, if you really want to get shitfaced just remember that a shot is about 100 calories (closer to 96 but you don't seem to be counting). Many people would straight-up die on 1800 calories of whiskey.

went from 78kg to 70kg, kept lifting and doing cardio and kept diet in check, snacked on ham or cheese while drinking to keep hunger away - i looked good but on some days u just feel like pure shit

Well, I drink throughout the whole night, I polish off a 750ml bottle before I go to pass out.

How long was the timeframe on that?

did this twice because of summer - about 6 months each

750mL is ~1650 calories. A lot of people can lose weight on that.

And hey, no food in your gut means you'll be blacked out on much less alcohol than normal. Win-win, really.

Yeah, haha I'd probably stuff my face if I blacked out though.

I have to put something in my stomach though, get a horrible stomach ache drinking on an empty stomach.

dont focus on loose weight. Build up muscles mass.
250lb power here

is everyone in this thread retarded? you dont metabolize ethanol into fatty acids. alcohol calories are meaningless. WHY ARE YOU POSTING ON A FITNESS BOARD

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Yeah, I kinda let myself go though and want to lose the weight then build myself back up with muscle.

You're right user. Alcohol isn't real and doesn't have calories. It certainly doesn't get converted to acetate, and your body definitely doesn't treat that as a load of fucking carbs.

wat. alcohol does supress protein and carb oxidation as removal of literal poison from your organism takes precedence over other metabolic processes but its hardly fucking relrevant ehre, OP and other retards ITT seem to assume you can metabolize ethanol into energy and assume its caloric content as part of your caloric intake which you fucking cannot any more than if you were guzzling gasoline

>you dont metabolize ethanol into fatty acids.
>alcohol calories are meaningless.
i think that's 30% true.

Post body alkie

Can you teach someone without being a prick possibly?

it's 97% true as de nouvo lipogensesis accounted for 3% in hallerstein study

there are no metabolic pathways to derieve energy from alcohol in a substantial and meangful way. you will not get fatter from drinking clear spirits, you will get fatter from drinking gay fruity drinks and eating a donner kebab at 3 in the morning.

>he actually believes this

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do you have an actual argument or are you just going to keep pretending to be rerarded?


Why do you feel the need of spewing bullshit out of your rotten fucking mouth when you clearly do not know shit about the subject. Also acting smug about it. What a fucking cunt you are. You are disgusting. Take some time to improve yourself because as of now you are nothing but human fucking garbage. Fuck you.