Dont lift for women, its pointless

This is the "sexiest" man alive right now according MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of zoomer women.

>Literally paints his nails like a faggot

This is why you don't lift for women, its pointless, women dont care about your muscles or strength.

I know its annoying to hear this, but its the truth, just lift weights for health and fitness reasons, dont do it for women, because its not working.

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it may help with frame and health in the beginning, which will increase you attractiveness significantly. But further than that, you are correct. If you care a lot about getting a woman, ottermode should be your ideal.

Bitch we told you this, it's all about face, height and socio-economic status.

If this dude was jacked he'd be even more attractive.


I wish I could cope as much as you

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but it also doesn't matter much since he's got good face

98% is face 2% is the bonus he'd get from lifting
so yes, technically you are right. the point is beautiful people shouldn't go through the fuss for +2%

And this guy definitely gets more pussy now than he did before he started lifting, what's your point?

Thats the point.

Force-feeding extra protein, taking creatine, preworkouts (maybe even steroids) lifting 4,5 or 6+ days a week, eating excessive calories to gain muscle, restricting to cut down, etc all that effort, or a very slight gain to how women are attracted towards you.

>Jeff Seid looks just as good skinnyfat
>David Laid looks just as good skinnyfat
>Henry Cavill looks just as good skinnyfat

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We don't lift for women we lift so betas like you get mogged from our mere presence.

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>listening to what women want

Girls love muscles that is a fact, women find power, health etc attractive = muscles etc


pick 2 and only 2

>zoomer women
I'm not angling for them though

>this is the sexiest man alive.
No seriously reverse search doesn't even give results.

tiktok nigga named lil huddy

Popular vote suffers the effect of preferential attachment, aka the rich get richer, which leads to the popular vote being abysmally average.
Girls say they like him because girls say they like him. He's just the safe bet to make a tweet about. When not in the confines of the amplified feminine society that is the internet he's not so great. Nobody's going to go out of their way to fuck you for looking like him.
Meanwhile becoming something more than a completely non-offensive template will net you less instagram hearts, but also a few women who would do anything for a moment of your attention. You go be scared of not being the meaningless and soon forgotten conversation of clucking hens. I'm gonna lift.

People who post this shit and believe it are looking for any reason not to lift.

Do you look like him? No. Are you ugly? Yes. Will you be better if with a jacked swole body? Yes.

Better to be an ugly 7/10 than an 5/10

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Name one coping mechanism in that post.

Its full of delusional copeing MGTOW redpill tier illogical shit

>People who post this shit and believe it are looking for any reason not to lift.

Nope, I lift weights every other day, cardio on rest days. I've been fit all my life.

Im just stating facts here.

I enjoy being strong and like looking good. I'm fairly handsome and already married. Never lifted for women, but always boxed so thats probably why I've always been focused on my body.

>"sexiest man alive"
>google search

guess scissoring is fashionable nowadays eh

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>too retarded to know how to reply

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Women like lean/skinny tall damaged goods looking guys. Got a buddy built like, this bunch of stupid gamer and comic tats too. Dude absolutely slays puss. Women also have a herd mentality and whatever the majority like they all like.

Yes, I was around for TheRedPill. You're obviously not entirely clueless so point out the illogical statements and coping mechanisms.

Are you for real? He doesn't want to hand out (You)s.

This. I dont give (You) unless its earned


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Reddit is -> that way with your gay melodramatic oscar speech post

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