Autistic reasons you lift

Alright I don't want to hear normies who lift for girls or marble larp or whatnot. Give me your deep down autistic reasons you do certain things. I start:

I want to be able to do as many pull ups as possible because human ancestors lived in trees and it makes me feel in touch with my primal nature.

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Other urls found in this thread:

because if i no fit i will feel tired all day, when you do sports you get more energy

Because its the only form of exercise i enjoy

I want to be able to do as many heavy cable flyes as possible, so I can grab the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches in each hand and pull them together to heal the schism. And then it will be a simple job of calling the Oriental Orthodox Church home.

I want to be able to smash the shit out of each ex boyfriend of my future ex wife

I want to be admired by old women. I don’t wan to fuck them or anything, I just want them to think: ‘wow, what a strong, handsome young man’
I also want to mog their fat boomer husbands. Again, nothing sexual.

Unironically because I concluded it's our duty to be as healthy as possible to relief doctors.
Other deontological reasons (being as strong as necessary to perform our tasks, being happy) also apply.

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You take boxing classes?

Because weakness is dusgusting

I started lifting for women, but I stayed for the pain
The pain I feel when lifting provides an escape from the almost incessant pain produced by the mind.
Sorry for the robot post but you asked

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There's a lot of reasons but I'll just say this one. When I do pull exercises, I think of the police officers in Rotherham that let white British girls be raped for over forty years by Muslim grooming gangs because they didn't want to appear racist or ingle racial tensions. I imagine I'm pulling on the rope that goes over a tree branch and fits nicely around their necks. If you think I stop pulling before I absolutely have to you are wrong

when I’m doing firearms sometimes I’ll think about that cop in Arizona who shot the crawling guy and think about how I need to have stronger forearms to strangle him

I lift because I hope that the bjgger and stronger I get the less my friends and others will judge me if they find out I sometimes enjoy CGDCT animes.

A false sense of pride. We're talking an overwhelming sense of completely unfounded superiority over everyone and everything. I WANT to lift so that I can finally base those feelings on something tangible.
>mfw haven't even started yet

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>The pain I feel when lifting provides an escape from the almost incessant pain produced by the mind.


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So I can fit into my self inserts that I daydream about.

It's the only thing i genuinly enjoy doing, and it's also the only thing i feel i'm somewhat good at. When i'm not in the gym, i think about my next gym session. When i'm at work, i browse Yas Forums inbetween working, and research exercises. I'm basically obsessed, but i still don't have the genetic makeup to actually pursue bodybuilding or any atheletic activity profesionally. I don't care either, i just enjoy lifting heavy things and getting stronger.

You should train boxing instead of lifting then, I guess

I want not to look disgusting naked.
There are two reasons why, both are autistic and they are connected:

1. I want not to look disgusting naked so I feel less self-conscious when losing my virginity to a prostitute. Everything about the experience will be horrible, I just hope that my body is one less thing to worry about.

2. I wrote about the prostitute in 1 but the reality is I hope not to do it with a prostitute. It seems my options are going to a prostitute or having a drunken one-night stand and both seem awful. I would love to have no-strings-attached sex with a woman to show me the ropes but I don't want to lie about my inexperience.
I've been thinking about travelling to another city and just starting a Tinder profile with the pic of my body (at this point look at the beginning of the post again) and a description saying I'm in the city for a few days and looking to lose my virginity, no strings attached.

So, yeah.

>The pain I feel when lifting provides an escape from the almost incessant pain produced by the mind.

In "Fight Club" Ed Norton's character says after his first fight

>after fighting, everything else in life got the volume turned down

This is how I feel between sets. Problems exist but they are outside. Everything is simple. I need to breathe. Drink some water. I'm too tired to worry. Too tired to remember I'm a failure. I stopped lifting a few months ago but when I lifted, I did it for that short break between the sets. After a workout everything came back at some point. But the workout was like meditating.

i like food but not being fat
being fit means high metabolism

>British girls
At least nobody was hurt

Not my main reason but I used to lift at a cheap local gym full of ghetto foreigners.
One time when looking for a spotter someone called me deutscher Hühne (German giant) and the thought of being so strong I make people respect Germans more fuels my reps to this day.
Might be autistic but felt nice.

i leave the shower while humming this and a ripped body gives it more dramatic depth

thx user, i really and truly appreciate your effort in overcoming the discrepancies between our churches

I got into pull ups and bouldering for this same reason. Also, I'm an ex-vegetarian of 23 years so I feel like when I lift hard, I've earned the delicious flesh. I don't know if this is autistic, but I like to watch films like Predator or Mad Max for motivation when I'm in my home gym

whether you have a fast or slow metabolism, if you go over your tdee you will get fat. Your metabolism does nothing to make you less fat or less skinny.

Practice meditation

I do mma and boring
Right now only Training no sparring

I lift so if I was ever in the world of HxH I could become a chad and fuck pitou

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