/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

>When will the gyms open again edition!!???

>How to The Press with Big Boy

>How to Bench Press with Scott Mendelsons

>How to squat with Chris Duffin

>How to deadlift with Chris Duffin

Additional videos and reading on benching, squatting, deadlifting, bands, accessories, etc., can be found in the pastbin.

>The official pastebin

Check the pastebin for /PLG/'s collection of programs that are all confirmed to be shit.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Hate swedes
Hate talentchads

Not raciss just don't like em

do hate ricedick pubeheads though

Threadly, but non-spamming, clearly relevant, specifically on topic, greatly informative, 100% sincere and not trolling, high quality, non-avatar-fagging, and otherwise rule abiding reminder for you unlifting user CHODEs to post body/lifts and get a trip, and that Jeffery Epstein didn't kill himself. This is the only way anyone will believe anything you have to say about anything. And only if you demonstrate at least one of the following:
>A squat in excess of both 2.5 times bodyweight AND 500 lbs
>A deadlift in excess of both 2.5 time bodyweight AND 500 lbs
>A bench press in excess of both 1.5 times bodyweight AND 350 lbs
>A The Press in excess of both body weight AND 220.462 lbs
>A body that Yas Forums won't roundly criticize (good fucking luck)
If you can't manage at least one of these, shut the fuck up, go to the gym, and try harder.

Thank you.

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Wtf is a talentchad

Part 2:
>UFO (Under Fed Organism)
Adult human male weighing less than 200 lbs. Throw food at them until the problem is remedied.

>user (Anonymous Nard Obtusely Nattering)
A noodlebuilt little wuss of a human. Hobbies include LARPing as someone who actually lifts and not posting body/lifts. Can be safely disregarded in all matters.

>SUMO (SUbhuman MOron)
Too stupid and/or genetically deficient to just bend over and pick something up. Copes through a combination of clowning half reps and eating butt.

>PLAGUE (PowerLarder Absent Generally Useful Equipment)
Communists shut his gym down. Now he lifts weights made out of random shit he put together from the Home Depot in a cow pasture while plotting his vengeance.

>COVID (Coofing Oriental Very Infectious Dicksucker)
Mentally and emotionally deficient Chinaman who unleashed the Shangai Sniffles on the world in order to close gyms and rob The Lifting of their gains, out of sheer jealousy that he could never be the caliber of human they are. Thinks bats = lunch.

>CUCC (Cuckold Uninjured Crying Canadian)
Identify as injured, without medical diagnosis. Trans-herniated. Purposely do self-destructive programs like PH3, Smolov, etc. They wanted an excuse to quit.

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Are ya' ready, PLG?
Aye, aye user!
I can't hear you!
Aye, aye, user!

Who lives in Toronto, in the basement?
Jaundiced and yellow and stinky is he
If autistic shitposting be something you wish
Then drop your whisky and snap your shit!



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Spill the beans tripfag

I actually love being a BONER life is so easy when you don’t care about legs

Closing my eyes and pretending that Aisha’s strong hands are wrapped around my cock instead of that joystick.

BONERs have shit to barely making mediocre benches.

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Regarding what?

Guilty of the muscle girls part. Varbies get me rock hard

I bench 160 though

>Then drop your whisky and snap your shit!
Excuse my autism, but this needs more syllables. I would prefer:

>Then guzzle your whisky and snap up your shit!

>I bench 160kg though, or worse, 160lbs
so barely mediocre

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Much appreciated

Tell me, oh powershitters.

Greyskull lp or Starting Strength?

Incel speak for some one who is genetically gifted

GS is better in execution, SS has a lot of cool technical things in the book. Newbie programs aren't long term so don't get 'tismal over the small stuff.

day 6 of my 1500 kcal cut
i am looking a bit leaner but still fat
i plan to go all the way down to 6-8% bodyfat

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>i am looking a bit leaner

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yea i am i think i lost 1 kg already
i said leaner not lean lol

i believe this pic was me at 12-14% bodyfat
ill get 6-8% this cut then ill do a 300 calorie surplus until 12% bodyfat then cut again and repeat forever thats my plan

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that was 79 kg so i think i need to cut all the way down to 74-76 kg to get 6-8%

i am warrior like muhemed ali...
sting like a butterly fly like a bee

whats a good program to become fkn huge?
already eating 280g protein 1000 cal surplus and doing sarms

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i meant like muscular-huge not fat

sarms are as good as creatine
if u wanna be not natty at least inject test and deca

Just keep increasing workload until you can’t recover from it.