anyone else abnormally weak?
>could barely do a pushup as a teen
>now in twenties
>can only do 5x5 73kg bench press
>low test, only wanks off 4 times a week
Abnormally weak
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You're just a low test ectomorph, no shame in that, 73kgx5 still btfo most normies.
I'm the same boat as you, just keep working on it.
Sometimes it's really demotivating and sometimes I cope with saying to myself "they're just estatting" but I know there are far stronger guys out there.
Its frustrating but ultimately you do this for yourself and not to type higher numbers on Yas Forums
have you actually got your test levels checked? There's tests online like, wanna do it when I reach 1/2/3/4.
Was also abnormally weak as a teen, same thing, push-ups were complete shit. Maybe the bench press isn't for you mechanically speaking tho.
On Symmetry Strength, my incline is proportionally stronger than my flat bench press, and my weighted dip is way better.
Regardless, keep going. I am convinced that bodybuilding ( lifting, eating well and good sleep habits) raised my test. It makes you more assertive and builds discipline too.
i just wanna bench 100kg one day, i dont really care for reps, just one is plenty. sometimes i wonder if there's something wrong with my thyroid like my dads sister has
i'll keep working at things as always though, even though it' only calisthenics at the moment but it's better than nothing
t. fat kids
i have been a skelly my entire life, tall too.
>can only do 5x5 73kg bench press
73kg for 5x5 is not at all bad for a beginner, OP. Stop comparing yourself to others. If you're tall like me, benching is pure hell because of mechanics, it will never get any easier so suck it up. Keep going.
Nah, I was like 150 lbs for 6 feet as a teen, and I weigh 185 for 6'2 now. Super skinny then, and I always remain lean today. Fatties reach 1/2/3/4 quickly
Also eat more you fucking skeleton.
In absolute therms I'm weak as fuck except for my legs and maybe grip strength.
However my endurance and strength to weight ratio are great thanks to the square cube law.
The heaviest I ever lifted was 5-6x bodyweight or just over 300 kg, entirely out of my legs.
That wasn't weights though but people.
>tfw 0,873:1 quads to waist ratio
>tfw 2,115:1 quads to biceps ratio
Im 6"3 240 lbs and can only do 110. Stfu.
that's a very high bench press though, 110kg is nothing to scoff at, almost roid levels
>240 lbs
We can assume the 110 is also in burger units, aka 50kg bench
I've fucked up my shoulder a while ago now I can't even bench 20kg.
>You're just a low test ectomorph, no shame in that, 73kgx5 still btfo most normies.
lmaoing@ur life
im 70kg bw and can do 100kg x5 bench
>110kg is nothing to scoff at
> almost roid levels
Why do I even come here anymore?
>have been lifting for a year
>OHP max is 5 kg
For the first 4 months I couldn't even OHP the bar so had to work my way up with dumbbells.
>anime reaction picture
feel free to stop coming here
>lifting for a year
>can only bench 75kg for 5 reps
>can only OHP 30kg
>can barely squat 2 pl8s
>can barely deadlift 3 pl8s
>body still looks like a shitty DYEL dadbod
I hate it lads
anime is Yas Forums
>OHP max is 5kg
A...user you know not counting the bar is just a meme, right?
are you blinded by nostalgia or do you unironically think that the duckrolls lolcats and other "memes" from that time are still funny?
internet back then was better than the trash now
This can not be real
I'm at NOVICE in almost all my lifts according to these stats:
It's cool though I'm getting stronger.
There are ways to cure that, bro. Have you tried going to a sports pt?
It's true user I am ashamed
I've actually been doing the ring fitness on max hard for 2 weeks along with huge diet and full Sweats. 15lbs off shits great. I just started doing some caffeine pills, some t, few other things. Goal weight is 180, down from 235 to 220 rn
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