
330 lbs
this has to end. Way to fat, can't breathe for shit.
Problem: lower back is fucked. Can't walk half a block without severe pain
Need: fat burning exercises with little to no lower back pressure

Have to do something now before this gets worse

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Can you walk? If not, can you swim? If not, can you eat less?

walk slowly 15 mins a day, everyday?

diet I'm working on. but my main problem is back pain. Can walk but basically crippled after 1k

Doc might give you speed for this

Fasting/starvation mode now. Fuck dieting, it doesn't work. Buy some vitamins and Gatorade Zero and don't eat for 72 hours. Do this every other week.

There's a reason there's an endless rollout of new complicated fads and methods to lose weight--it doesn't work. You need to STOP EATING. It's simple. It's easy. It's cheap. After you get the weight down, you can start moving and getting stronger.


Also, get a physical checkup first. Make sure you don't have some diabetic issues or something, and get a digital blood pressure checker to compare it to you current baseline as you progress. And keep walking even if it's only 1K a day. Don't totally stop moving while you wait.

i already saw a doc, blood test, ultrasound on kidneys all that stuff. but do have moderately high blood pressure

Get a cheap stationary bike or pedals. Do what you can and gradually do more over time.

sounds reasonable

>retard thinks starving yourself works

Yeah you'll temporary lose weight then gain it all back. Slow and steady is how you keep the weight off.

Everything is temporary if you stop doing it. Fasting works if you do it regularly. And I'm not just talking about intermittent fasting, although that works too. The point is regular fasting is much easier to organize and stick to than a total dietary change. Diets work too--there's no magic law that causes them to stop working after some period of time. They stop working because people stop adhering to the regiment over time, because it's hard to stay focused and organized every single time you eat. Fasting is simple, and you KNOW when you fuck up because you ate something, anything, when you weren't supposed to.

Excellent option. A recumbent bike would be easier on your back.

Why would you gain it back? Surely by that logic, you'll just gain back any weight you lose? You always have to adjust your lifestyle to maintenance, you'll always regain if you relapse to your fatass ways regardless of how slowly you lose the weight.

Lower back is fucked how? Is it something permanent or can you work this through?

doctor has been unable to identify the source of the problem

>Problem: lower back is fucked. Can't walk half a block without severe pain
>Need: fat burning exercises with little to no lower back pressure
No, you need a diet. Choose one you personally can stomach (pun intended) and do it for 2-5 years. Done.

Exercise is basically just the icing on the cake when it comes to fat loss. It's your diet. Always.

For me, it's eating soups all day, erry day.

Well can you elaborate? My dad had a bad lower back,same shit, doctor couldn't figure it out even after 20 years in the military. Turned out to be a disease where the vertebrae slowly start to fuse together. Guess what he's doing everyday to stop it from hurting? Working out and eating healthy. He also uses a cushion to support his lower back while he works. He even gave up his medication a few months ago since it would make him more prone to infection, and the coronavirus scare had him concerned. Started doing cardio on an elliptical twice a day to compensate. He's not an athlete, but he's in his mid 50s, 6'1" and 220lbs, even lost a little weight since starting two a days. Had started using my weights and copying some of my stretches. This is a boomer who's lower back had been slowly fusing due to ankylosing spondylitis for decades, and even he's gonna make it bro. You will do.

i've given you all i know. i'll try the fasting and stationary bike

Well this was a great thread, guess you got everything you needed, better stop being a fatass. Good luck bro.

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Good luck fasting let us know how it turns out. I'd say you can fast for 60 days straight easy. Even though it took you years to get 330 pounds you can lose it all in 60 days. Amazing how this works. Keep us posted.

thanks man, you guys have been a big help

For most fats, myself included, it was a matter of cutting out the one thing you consumed on a regular basis. That was store bought iced tea by about a gallon a day. I've lost 100 pounds in 9 months.

I had similar problems. 6'4 255lb as of last November and my lower back was fucking fucked. Hurt like a bitch to use cycle machines at the gym so I changed to elliptical, way better. My endurance went up fast, was fucking DEAD after 5 minutes first session, rested for I think 4 days but the next time I got on the machine I did 7.5 minutes with significantly less struggle and recovery period. After like 2 months of doing that 2-3 times a week I could go for 30+ minutes even on higher resistance settings and I don't even feel like shit after, just really sweaty. Started making diet changes (eating less, mostly) and dropped 30lbs in a couple of months. Also started working on posture. My shit doesn't hurt as much anymore, if at all. The weight loss was slow at first cuz I was only exercising, but started dropping off fast once I made diet changes. Tips I can give you from my own experience are eat lots of fiber cuz it's slow to digest and leaves you feeling full longer, and drink lots of water. Whenever I get minor hungry I just have some water just to get something in my belly and the hunger goes away. Bonus is that water is ridiculously better for you than virtually anything else you could drink.

Just eat less/better and try to do like 20 minutes of cardio 2-3 times a week and the weight will fall off. It's really not that bad. There are dozens of different cardio options even if your lower spine is basically ground to powder, just find one that works and do it man.

A fast means no calories. Technically, sure, he could probably survive for two months with only vitamins and electrolytes and water, but realistically, come on. 2 or 3 days stretches are much more manageable and safer, and you'll lose weight each time. If you go more than a few days, your body starts cannibalizing muscle too, so I wouldn't recommend extra-long duration fasting. Do it once a week or ever other weak, and that's a lot of weight quite quickly.

I know you can’t right now (assuming you have no access to a gym pool) but swimming is ideal for dealing with joint issues while trying to lose weight

so you're going to start swimming? couldn't you paddle around in a portable pool at this weight and get pretty efficient cardio? like if you're flat and lift your arms and paddle with your legs, not hyper extending the spine too much would probably be fine
also even though it doesn't seem like you're putting pressure on your spine don't do leg raises, the psoas muscle being strained like that can put excess pressure on the lower back

At my heaviest I was 225 (@ 5'10") and my knees hurt like hell when walking, don't know how you guys do it

>doctor has been unable to identify the source of the problem
I was hesitant at first to dl these but honestly the free reports on back pain and losing weight would probably be invaluable to you
just read the site in general and some of the back pain specific articles and how they've helped other people who said they were told to get surgery

a lot of the not so easily identifiable problems that cause back pain are from fucked up movement patterns and muscle imbalances and also day to day positions you're in

You know, cardio isn't essential if you're trying to lose weight. If gyms are still open where you are, go and lift. A lot of back pain comes from having weak glutes/erectors/core.

Of course, you need to eat less no matter what you do.

I was never a fat faggot fuck but i had debilitating lower back pain as well. Go to a physical therapist, cut out all sugar, alcohol and caffeine (since it could be your kidneys) and fast until you're at a normal weight.
Any exercise won't help right now, hell you couldn't even do the physical therapy stuff that helped me since you're still planet sized.