Sorry I have to post again. This is a cry for help from a fucked up user.
I literally can’t go a single day on keto let alone eating under maintenance let alone fasting.
I am ready to quit my job because I’m so disgusted with myself. I’ve attempted suicide but I just don’t have it in me to return to my anorexia and orthorexia. I’ve become addicted to the binge and if I don’t lose all this weight in a month I’m going to attempt again.
You need to see a therapist user you've got some major problems that we won't solve, sounds like you know what you need to do but psychologically you're not equipped. We're a fitness board, not a therapy board. Good luck user, get some help.
Brayden Nguyen
So you’re going from one extreme to the next, Wouldn’t finding the middle ground (what you should do) be easier for you?
Xavier Hill
you need to see a therapist or psychologist u won’t find help here
Zachary Edwards
stop stalling and just do it already faggot don't forget to link the livestream beforehand though
Colton Howard
Just eat a normal diet. Why are you trying to fast or do keto you stupid fucking imbecile? Don't worry about the suicide. You'll die soon enough anyway cretin.
Gavin Green
This is what happens when you meme diet
Liam Smith
Post body
Jack Gray
I’ve had more fucking therapists and ED specialist doctors than I can count and none have even attempted to help me. They all say binges are HEALTHY.
I did have a stream up a couple days ago. Too bad you missed it, the cord got pretty fucking tight.
Samuel Myers
You can't worry about your body fat right now dude, you have to put your mental health first. Pls go see a psychologist! I care about you.
Kayden Williams
I refuse. If I literally do not lose this weight in a month I am going to kill myself.
Joshua Hall
Maybe what u consider binges is normal eating
James Rodriguez
Go somewhere where you won't ever be found then. I hate to think of your parents wasting a penny on a funeral. You are a legitimate waste of space. I've done shits with more intelligence than you.
Can you not see why you yoyo like a fucking mong. You keep doing these dumb ass unsustainable diets and wonder why you can't sustain them.
Mason Rodriguez
I eat upwards of 7000 calories on a binging day. I’ve counted calories during a binge three times in the last month. Therapists are all just hacks.
Gabriel Gomez
Listen bro you should really just give a 500 calorie deficit diet a try but if all else fails and you’re really on the verge of suicide I guess you can try and use a fat burner like DNP or Clen but dude i would REALLY, REALLY dissuade you from doing that. Please get some help
Samuel Foster
Dude, how many times do I have to say it; I CANNOT LIVE WITH MYSELF WHILE BEING FUCKING FAT
Jace Campbell
I’m already taking in a lot of adderall, nicotine and caffeine.
Hunter Barnes
Ignore The guy telling ur to kill urself and all the other nasty shit he’s just insecure that’s why he won’t post physique Don’t let a bad therapist dissuade you, perhaps they didn’t understand the severity of ur issues or they were just bad shop around
Liam Miller
I'd tell you to just kill yourself now but you've already failed once you pathetic cunt. How fucking stupid do you have to be to fail to kill yourself. Something thousands of people do by accident every fucking day.
Josiah Gutierrez
you remind me of that avocado mukbang faggot. if you can't control your impulses you're no better than a n*rmie. just stop eating lol like just put the fork down nigga like damn
Brody Reyes
Post body bro stop ignoring me Don’t be a pussy if ur gonna talk shit post ur body
Ethan Butler
Bro this is gonna hurt to hear but you have to start by stopping every influence. Non essential drugs, caffeine, nicotine and weed. Then start by eating 3 small meals a day. Eat eggs and toast in the morning, a sandwich or wraps for lunch and rice and chicken or fish (source of protein with light carb like rich or potatoes) and also drink a lot of water with fruits and veggies in there. If you do this for a straight week you will feel mentally good. If you can, stop going on the internet for a while and read some good books.
Jose Gonzalez
Ye that’s why you’re a retard. It’s very simple eat less and more healthy.
Cameron Roberts
OP how the fuck do you have so much loose skin?
Did you use to be REALLY fat?
Jack Perry
I used to be 350 pounds. Then I dropped to 138 (and genuinely loved myself at that weight) before I’ve skyrocketed to 180.
Isaiah Cruz
My nigga, you’ve made a lot of progress then. You should be proud of yourself, why commit suicide?
Luke Johnson
Keep samefagging bro but not posting body Because your a bitch LOL pussy
Nicholas Lee
Ok, how long were you 350lbs and what was the process of getting to 350lbs
Was 350 what you went up to slowly over years from childhood,teens, to early adult hood? or was the 350lbs a binge-gain from normal weight to 350lbs in a binge year or something?
Need facts about how you got fat to begin with.
Caleb Murphy
I didn’t fail, I was talked down by chat. My only hope was that today I could do better but surprise surprise I didn’t.
Aiden Hall
Man up and try harder nigger, it's all in your head, you just don't try hard enough. You have the chance of not having anything but your mind as an obstacle, so stop being a bitch. Do you think the disabled don't want to have a nice body ? Do you think people with glass bones wouldn't want to be in your shoes and try harder ? You're such a pathetic faggot, you don't want to try so you blame it on whatever you can, while it is not hard to fucking stop eating so much. There are so many ways you can do this. You can have a strict shopping list for each week based on meals you have planned for the week, you can do intermittent fasting, you can do anything, but you're too much of a weak-minded individual to do any of that, so instead you blogpost on a tibetan shoe making forum. Get fat and die alone, or try harder and fucking make it. These are your two only options.
Juan Scott
So just buy meal replacement shakes. I mean, what fucking answer do you expect? You don't need to do keto, you just need to put nutrition into your body. Obviously you're too irresponsible to be trusted with food like a normal human being that takes accountability for their actions. Stop blaming your therapists for your bullshit. If they can't help you, we sure as hell can't.
I was morbidly obese from elementary to high school.
Gavin Price
Kys you are a dirty fuxking nigger. And stop posting your ugly deformed body.
Lucas Myers
yeah l'm thinking based
Brody Young
Exercise... you’ll gain more muscle so you look less flabby and you can eat more. Moderation in eating and hard training. I didn’t see your photo at 350 but you Definitely look sick in your left op photo.
Charles Wilson
I have tried. I have also failed.
Hopefully when I quit my job tomorrow morning that will be enough to get me to fix myself.
Julian Walker
>I’m already taking in a lot of adderall, nicotine and caffeine.
>huh duh why do I fail at everything in life
Jacob Fisher
Lose weight with same regimen that lost you all that weight first time and lift while at it so you don't end up like skeleton.
Christian Scott
Wait dude you post here all the time dont you? Did you actually gain that much weight.?? wtf. Post the picture when your hair is visible
Gavin Sullivan
I lost the weight via anorexia. I honestly really want to return to an anorexic lifestyle but don’t have the discipline.
Jace Baker
fasting works better than anything else. two days out of the week just dont eat food. dont stuff your fucking face though after, stick to omad the rest of the week. throw out all the garbage shit you can't keep your mitts off
Brody Walker
I try to fast every day.
Also I live with family and am completely unable to move out so I have no real options here.