Steroids. She stil looks female.
actually she had cosmetic surgieries done due to virilzation
I know but she weighs even more than me and has muscles of kai Greene. Steroids only go so far, must be some secert she has
do you understand now what "genetics" mean you dumb fucking faggot?
is this attractive to anyone, genuine question
lesbians and "straight" ppl maybe ftm too
How much of it is steriods and how much is genetics and how much is training?
>straight" ppl
I have had sex with women as big as op’s
Am I gay?
It's called bi or you just have muscle fetish. Don't worry.
Why? They aren't trans. Older brother? Tomboy? Or just female Piana syndrome?
>Don't worry.
>Steroids only go so far, must be some secert she has
The secret is more steroids
Pm her what roids she takes
How do I get her to train me?
>how much is genetics
all of it
I really wish more women looked like this. I spent all of high school kissless virgin till I started dming these women for sex
Is she still in Russia or did she move to America?
What is that thing she's wearing on her arm?
It’s covid19 why is she at a gym?!
yes, theres nothing to worry about, everyone has a fetish
This is what the Brazilian women use. Notice how South American women from Colombia to Rio have perfectly sculpted bodies? Plastic surgery for lifts combined with Anavar. It's not real.
My cousin is a Marine and I asked him last Thanksgiving. Are Marines as jacked as they seem? He said that the most swole Marine is no more aesthetic than a high school gym rat. It's all roids
wouldn't say i'd like to date her but i would like to fuck her at least once (pretty sure there is porn of her)
Looks like a tourniquet for blood flow restriction training
OP's pic clearly took a LOT more than just anavar. And had to have surgery on the face to counter the drug induced manliness
Without makeup she look like daddy
Yas Forums closet homos will take this disgusting mental freak over hourglass petites. And then will argue with you that it's totally straight.
On which app?
Bunch of videos on PH showing her tits:
Cant find any fucking vids though
I work out at her gym, the one on OP's pic. The pics aren't shopped, she is legit that big, most dudes in the gym are smaller than her and they've been working out all their lives.