Tips for increasing my pathetic running endurance?

Tips for increasing my pathetic running endurance?

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Run more


run at more fast for as much or maybe more length

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suck 1 million dicks for $1 each and you'll be tireless and also rich

Everyone always says run more but not what to do. How do we breath, how do we run, how do we pull mental toughness out and keep going if it feels like we’re gasping and barley getting any air (but not necessarily tired in the legs or even feeling lightheaded, just that the lungs are struggling if that makes sense), HOW MUCH MORE? (Every other day, twice a week?)

run more

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be less fat
list to misfits/danzig/death grips
call a pack of niggers nigger
keep the attached image at the forefront of your fat, 5'1" danzig loving, nigger baiting, runner in your mind

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the protein, don't forget the protein

Okay one more question, what exactly is "failure" when lifting weights? like shaking my arms slightly but still lifting it?

not op but i used to listen to the misfits, samhain, and danzig while biking and now i can't get on a bike without thinking about glenn danzig

from the land of death grips; based

breathing exercises (wim hof) and running up hills helped my endurance

Run everyday. 3 miles.

Run uphill.

Anons, this question might be retarded but how much does cardio/conditioning change one's life ?
Does it give superpowers like more energy or sex drive or whatever or do you just get used to it and it becomes the new normal

Do you warm up ?
Do you stretch ?
Do you measure the distance?
Start with 3 km at 8kmh

Until you literally can’t do another rep

transition into keto, get fat adapted and use fat as a fuel source which is much more steady and reliable. do HIIT running and hill sprints and do kettlebell swings.

think about how lifting has changed your life and just apply it to endurance

You should be able to have a light conversation with yourself breathing wise. Stretching can be a big boost in breaking a barrier when it comes to running as well. Sometimes when it feels like my runs aren't getting better I'll concentrate on stretching more that week and just like that my runs feel 10x better. Sleep hydration and stretching.

3-6 times a week, depending on your level. Run one longer run each week, about 1.5-2x longer than rest of your runs (you need to go slower too, if it's not obvious, you can also split this), and aim to increase your total mileage of the week about 8-12% each week.
And don't force it. If your shins, heels, soles of feet or achilles tendons tell you to fuck off, you stop. Even if you haven't reached your mileage of the day/week yet. No point in forcing the mileage, if it results in missing couple of weeks due to shin splints, tendinites or stress fractures at soles of feet.

This. Look into zach bitter if you still doubt this. Humans outran animals on body fat as fuel. The longest I ran before keto was 10km, and I would be trashed. Now I can do 30km and feel fresh the next Day.

Your body starts burning fat after all your glycogen stores are used. Traning includes your body adapting to this. How many world-class athletes are on keto. Zero you fucking idiot.

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>How many world-class athletes are on keto.

Great, except for the fact you likely a have a confirmation bias which makes you think it's far more common than the less than 1% of athletes that do this in the already limited sports where this is possible. Read this if you're genuinely interested in learning the pros and cons of the route you're recommending to people.

Do Couch to 5k, it's not very steep or demanding, so it's pretty doable even for those who are not natural athletes

Good cardiovascular health (not anaeorobic) reduces the risk of neurodegenerative diseases as you get older.

That's a kid.

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