Tfw 28 khv

>tfw 28 khv
>tfw its too late to enjoy casual sex
>tfw time to settle down with a fat ugly roaster and have 2.5 children

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extrapolate your opinion

you dont need to settle down. you can just live your own life. keep your own money, keep your own food. don't be brainwashed into thinking you need to be married and have children. just do whatever you want. How comforting is comfort? just chill do whatever you want

I wanna put my pen0r in fems tho

Your ancestors might not be to happy about that.

they're all dead tho

Oh! Sorry, friend, it appears you have posted on the wrong board.
The fine fellows at
Might be able to help you better. Best of luck!

i'm having casual sex with women in their 20s and i'm in my mid 40's. get fit, get a good paying job, and fucking take care of yourself. you're gonna have to play the field, but it's far from over.
and for the record, i never paid for sex in my life

>mid 40s
>still posting on Yas Forums
>still not married

>who cares
>who cares, i have free time
>why would i want to be?

>tfw time to settle down with a fat ugly roaster and have 2.5 children

Why would you do that? You're obviously haven't got your shit together the way you wanted. Why spread your misery and lack of planning into another generation?

you are undesirable in your mid 40s, use your "good paying job" to appeal to women by paying for shit for them (probably computer engineer or programmer like every other Yas Forums autist), then act like you're better than others because you have never explicitly paid a prostitute for sex

>tfw 28 khv
>tfw its too late to enjoy casual sex
>tfw even tho find most girls to be cute, indicative of my incredibly low standards, have never made a single solitary attempt to try with a girl because ive always been a loser
haha yeah

Yeah this is why I’m not fucking with kids; no reason to keep polluting the gene pool.

Not everyone needs to have a wife
Not everyone needs to have a family
Not everyone needs to buy their own home

Alexander the Great is the most well known, well remembered, respected and admired man in history, and his wives and kids were killed in Greece and his empire collapsed into war for hundreds of year. He had no familial legacy, the family he did have was killed, no direct line ever succeeded him, his name alone was enough to carry on through the millenniums.

There has been billions over other humans throughout that time who had a children, had a legacy, etc ; since Alexander has been dead, and you could count on 1 hand the amount of them who are remembered like Alexander, all of them are forgotten and long gone, just as I and you all will be.

Look in history and you'll find that "muh wife" and "muh kid" and "muh home ownership" aren't even a spec of dust in comparison to doing something GREAT in your life for leaving a legacy behind.

That said, what are you doing to become the next Alexander?

>b-but he was a son of Kang, thats not fair!!!

Yeah, a King of a back-water Greek Kingdom that was considered barely Greek and barbaric, and there has been many other Kangs and kids of Kangs whose names you will never know because they didn't do anything GREAT.

>tfw 26
>finally realizing I'm not actually that autistic and that I am capable of getting some
>not sure if I want to just stick to my morals and avoid casual sex instead of just getting in a LTR
>do want a wife and kids at some point in my life and I'd feel like a hypocrite for wanting a virgin wife if I was a non-virgin fucked a bunch of random sluts

>you are undesirable in your mid 40s
>use your "good paying job" to appeal to women by paying for shit for them
try again
>(probably computer engineer or programmer like every other Yas Forums autist)
lol no
>then act like you're better than others because you have never explicitly paid a prostitute for sex
how am i doing that? i'm literally just telling that dude life isn't over at 28. you can still get pussy from women who are still relatively young.
fun fact: if you take care of yourself and have decent genetics, you can still look pretty attractive into your 40s and 50s. a decent personality helps too, champ

Do you have friends ?
How do you look ?

its very simple: you're in your 40s, still posting on Yas Forums, still single, using your "good paying job" to fill your empty life with casual sex with thots in their 20s thinking it makes you a chad. you are in no position to be lecturing people on being desirable.

All women are virgins or sluts kek
Hookup and date some women you like.
And then pick one of them to marry. Many women had 5 or 10 sexual partners and never cheated. Are they sluts ? I don't think so.

>its very simple
is it, champ?
>you're in your 40s
congrats, you got one thing correct
>still posting on Yas Forums
2 for 2.
>still single
you're on a roll, bud. good job!
>using your "good paying job" to fill your empty life with casual sex with thots in their 20s
no, i'm using my good paying job to pay my mortgage, car insurance, and tickets to places i want to go. i'm living my life and picking women up along the way, i'm not trying to cope with anonymous sex. it's just part of living life as an adult, my guy
>thinking it makes you a chad
wrong again, bud. you don't do too well with inferring information, so i'll let you in on a secret.
just because people who are in their 40s are enjoying life and sleeping with women younger than them, that doesn't mean they're some creepy old fuck or a weirdo in a mid life crisis trying to fill some void in life.
i'm fit, well off, decent looking, and social. if you can't at least occasionally get laid with those traits there's something going wrong on your end bub. i'm not trying to lecture people on how to be desirable, just stating facts that men who take care of themselves can still get with rather youthful women even after 40. are you mad that a dude in his 40s is still getting laid, or does pretending i'm some desperate hyperdouche just make you feel less sad about the state of your own life? i'm curious
i'm really curious as to why you got your panties in a bunch, bruv. you seem to be projecting your own assumptions onto me without any reason

>bases entire life value on enticing sluts into fucking him

Why so bitter ?
You are projecting a lot on him


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>Bases his entire life trolling on Yas Forums
>Thinks he can lecture some 40 year old dude who could fuck your high school sweet heart

try again, bub. or maybe read my post

>again, everything comes down to having sex with younger women
what a life

>everything comes down to having sex with younger women
i think you're projecting your own preoccupation with sex, or insecurity over not having it.
sex with young women is a bonus to living a good life, and advocating younger men to take care of themselves and set themselves up for long term success not only increases their chance of getting laid in the future but takes the focus of their life away from sex.
ironically, i'm advocating that people put their efforts into making themselves an overall better person. by putting effort towards lifting, eating right, getting a good job, etc. you are inherently spending less time worried about what random chicks think of you and wherever you are at in life right then and there.
i'll say it again, sex with younger women is a bonus to living a good life. not the center of my world, bub.

>still single, using your "good paying job" to fill your empty life with casual sex with thots in their 20s thinking it makes you a chad.

That must have hurt.

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I smell your incel from here