Sold my 40lb DBs and 100lb barbell (concrete+plastic) for $250

Bought some aluminum sheeting, a metal pipe, and concrete.

Going to make my own set of adjustable dumbbells by using 5lb concrete casted plates.

The iron pipe is capped off at both ends.
To change weight, unscrew one side, add weight and swap with appropriate pvc handle/spacer.

The hardest part is making the mold and figuring out dimensions for plate.

Pipe is like $15.
Pvc ~$3.
Concrete $5 for 80lbs.

Once I have prototype mold and technique/process down will make molds for mass production.

When I listed my weights, i had 12 responses same day asking to buy them.

Will sell these 40lb adjustable DBs for $40-60 or so depending on demand.

Shipping costs prohibits selling outside city (lose cost advantage) .
Will make extra molds and equipment needed to make your own and sell to people in different cities.

This is literally a money printing machine right now.

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no one buys diy dumbbells

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This OP. Nobody wants them. They take like 3 days to make and they lowball you on the price because "hey, it's just concrete, I could do that!"
t. made my own and tried to market them

PS: use quickcrete tube molds and hot glue.

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hey retards how about coating it in rubber so you don't have to tell them it's concrete, just a "custom plate"
if you can't convince people into buying shit, trick them.
>Once I have prototype mold and technique/process down will make molds for mass production.
what would you use? wouldn't silicon molds deform because of the weight?
I don't know much about concrete and manly shit, but I do know how to make silicon molds n shit.
If you design it well enough, you can sell half the price of any gouged price, thus getting more business.
I don't really know about the law and this shit, you'll have to report the income to the IRS, and if the shit breaks and injures a customer they could hold you liable.

If you just throw concrete in a bucket and call it a day.
Of course no one will buy it.

However, the key difference is that these are adjustable.

10-40lb which is right where a majority of people use for weight.

This eliminates the need to purchase incremental dumbbells or adjustable dumbbells that cost ~$300 right now.
Both of which are out of stock everywhere.

Key points:
-Floating grip
-rubberized (going to coat them in flex seal or other rubber epoxy as a finish)

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>pvc handle

op is girly hand pussy

The pvc fits like a sleeve over the iron pipe.
It doubles as a spacer for the plates as well as handle.

It's like a built in thick grip. Much thicker than a standard dumbbell handle and more like an oly bar.

>pvc pipe bends
>weights fly off
>floor ruined, foot crushed

use washers and clamps, the pvc is a poor choice

Hey moron why not go the extra step and make molds out of your original plates with the concrete and then go around places getting yourself scrap metal.
Then build a furnace and heat the metal to a melting point and pour into the mold.
Scrap metal is literally everywhere.

>scrap metal is literally everywhere
do u live in a third world country?

do you live in a bubble?

I don't have a backyard forge yet.

Going to be buildng a smelter when i have 20lbs of aluminum

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steel ballast might be a cheaper way to go FYI, its like 1$ a pound

>just rubber coat them bro
People aren't THAT dumb. They're gonna notice that the dumbbell is cartoonishly large

how does a spic fuck up concrete this bad?

didnt read your blog faggot dont care

Can I cast weight plates out of lead? It's denser than steel, so the plates would be super thin, and bend/deform easily, and I'd need to be careful handling them of course, but I can find lead for about 1$/lb locally, and it's easy to meld down and cast due to its low melting point

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i did similar thing. image relevant,,, heavy

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Comfy af post-corona equipment

it's expensive. When it comes to scrap metal you either gotta make it, ask for it, or steal it

You guys are like little babies

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>local gym autist dies from making his own barbells
>autopsy tells that the barbell snapped midlift and pierced his lungs
>reportedly he was repeating to himself LIGHTWEIGHT BABYYYY before the incident

>african pilled

In what post-communist shithole country do you live where the neighbours won't sue your ass for running a fucking furnace in your backyard?

Spics are cheap labor, not necessarily good labor.

Redpill me on fixed concrete dumbbells. Don't you need to progressively overload or are you spending the whole quarantine working at one weight?

Progressive overload is the old paradigm. It's now about wave loading rep ranges and making huge jumps in load once your quikcrete sets.

lol what the fuck this is the worst concrete I've ever seen. Is there even sand in it?? has it been tamped at all? keke

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