High quality zyzzs

Post you highest res zyzzs, I'm gonna order a poster for my home gym

Attached: 0a0945cff720b40a57ab4f79267ee406-71771.jpg (534x800, 40.3K)

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lol GAY!

n-no homo

just make the gym speakers and/or TV play the "Zyzz - The Legacy" youtube vid on repeat 24/7 at full blast, everyone in the gym will become beyond shredded

Attached: maxresdefault (4).jpg (1280x720, 37.49K)

Here's a poster I made and framed.

Attached: Screenshot_20200425-171954.png (1080x1620, 2.34M)


Who da bottom two?

Rt is mental chia
Left is diocles ancient Greek nutritionist

t. r*ddit

Wait my bad it was actually dioscorides


Heard of doicles not chia though

lmao based

I miss him bros

me too senpai, thats why I want a poster

Attached: 0586399d65b44172b36392fe2e03e25d.jpg (1920x1920, 996.4K)

>eat meat
>die of heart failure
Nothing to see here move along

>DO steroids
>Recreational drugs regularly
>Had an existing heart condition

And I'm not even a vegan hater, you guys are fine by me, but come on man, no one is falling for this dumb shit.

>be vegan
>die of malnourishment complications from coronavirus
nothing personnel

>be vegan
>thinks plant protein is the same as animal protein

post body

correlation does not equal causation

Anyone got the link to the zyzz sir comic? The one which a guy takes creatine and turns into a silverback gorilla


Print this one

Attached: images (46).jpg (650x370, 27.9K)

Cool user

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Attached: A271BEF3-2311-4BA1-84ED-9D25D83A4B7D.jpg (222x493, 16.84K)

God I wish there was a way to look like this without roids... fuck

Attached: drawing-illustration-bird-of-prey-eagle-Zyzz-bird-wing-sketch-black-and-white-monochrome-photography-perching-bird-124006.jpg (1920x1080, 145.43K)

Attached: eZLq9.jpg (1044x709, 159.84K)

Zyzz is honestly achievable natty though if you already lift and have a good base a couple months to a year if you are super consistent

>couple months
Kek, more like 5 years. Zyzz is natty limit