Help me bros... I’ve had chest and back acne since I was 15. (am 20 now.) Absolutely nothing has worked 100% and it’s fucked with my self esteem for a real long time. Accutane is off the menu cause no way in hell would it get approved (military). I’m looking for an over the counter routine.
Help me bros... I’ve had chest and back acne since I was 15. (am 20 now...
Is this the ass chest user?
This is my chest
stop masturbating
You legit need to stand in the sun naked and that shit dries up.
Keto diet with an emphasis on high quality fatty meat.
Not sure if that's an option while in the military though.
lose weight
get some sunshine
eat less sugar
your chest hair is probably trying to grow through and you have fucked skin preventing it. exfoliate the area every few days.
Thats nothing, a couple of hours on sun per day for a week and its gone
why are your nipples so far apart
After years of bad cystic acne on my back, shoulders, chest, face, I've come to the conclusion almost all of it was related to diet. I was eating inflammatory food that my body couldn't deal with. Things I noticed were any sort of nut, seed, vegetable oil, bread product.
Now I basically just eat a bunch of animal products and I'm fine.
I don't even get acne /frauding/, good genetics gang
Dude I had less acne and got Accutane approved by a dermatologist when I was a private in the infantry. Just go to sick hall and they'll get you a appointment for the dermatologist.
Seriously you dumb ask go get your skin taken care of before it peels off during your first trip to the ntc
Why's it matter if you're in the military? Accutane is worth it, changed my life.
because everyone in the military is a self absorbed faggot
I’m actually 4 days into keto for cutting reasons, good to know it will help.
Genetic I guess, I’ve always found it funny lol
Bro, why do your nipples look like they're trying to escape your chest?
Wash with neutrogena clear pore once daily, wash back and chest with exfoliating cloth/sponge, and never pick at it.
go to a dermatologist bro they'll have better advice than anyone here i promise.
proactiv and vitamin d
dont feel to self conscious about it user i got a literal hole in my chest but i dont let it get me down
buy zinc and dim ...
15-30 minutes of direct sunlight everyday. Guarantee you it will work.
Might need more or less time depending on where you live. Rule of thumb, if you aren't getting sunburn, you are fine. Ignore jewish memes that the sun is someone killing us and avoid their lotions and creams.
Tan a few days a week
Try to swim in the ocean once a week if close by.
No man, get accutane ASAP. For a lot of us it was the only thing that worked. Your acne is bad enough to warrant it. I promise you won't regret it. You'll be grateful to yourself that you did it a year from now. I'm 7 years post accutane and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made.
are you the dude who was posting about cracking his chest a day or two ago
>eat nothing
>work out
>stay clean
>wash your bed and clothes constantly
>only consume healthy shit when you are hungry
i dont care id still lick your chest all over and let you destroy my walls no homo tho
>roiding for this
I had acne before accutane and they gave me doxycycline
this, yard work no shirt.