BQ vs 4pl8

>qualifying for the Boston Marathon
>benching 4pl8

Which is the more difficult & impressive feat, Yas Forums?

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4pl8 bench is more impressive by a long shot. BQ is roughly the equivalent of a 3pl8 bench

Boston Marathon is much more prestigious.
90% of men could lift that with a bit of training.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

I could hit 3pl8 bench after 2 years of lifting.

But I can’t even fathom running a sub-3 hr marathon.

You know many people will run their whole lives and still not come close to BQ-ing right?

And many people will lift their entire lives and never bench 3 pl8.

99% of men that train consistently could bench 3pl8 within 3 years

>90% of men could lift that with a bit of training.
trolling or retarded?

I benched 4pl8 on my first month at the gym. It's really not that impressive

>bench 3pl8 within 3 years
stop altering the discussion, its a massive difference between a 315 and 405 bench

Why make this post and not include qualifying requirements for BQ?

For men it’s 3 hrs which equates to a 6:50ish min/mile pace for 26.2 miles

Running is all heart and grit.

There’s not really a lifting equivalent of the pain you’ll feel grinding out 10+ miles during training

BQ. But the good thing is you can still BQ as a boomer

They're different challenges. I ran Boston in 2012 with a 2:54 qualifying time. I put in 60 mile weeks, ran 18 mile long runs on Sundays, 9 miles at a time on other days. Ate constantly to replenish.

That was for a year when I was 23, after having run cross country in high school and then continuing to train until that point. If I trained for 10 years lifting, I might be able to do 4 plate, but right now I'm at 2 on a good day.

80yos run marathons
find me a non powreshitter 80yo that benches 4pl8

You must have good genetics too.
Was quite effortless for me as well.

Can you run a marathon?



soooo you can't find one

you got into a marathon only running 60 mile weeks? doubt or my coach was having us run too much in college

Qualifying for Boston isn't something all 80 year olds do. And qualifying is age based so scale 4plates for an 80 year old.

Maybe this just proves heavy lifting destroys your body over a long period of time..

Bull fucking shit you can't even bench 4plate now, let alone after 1 month training

Benching 4 plate, I know multiple people that qualified for the Boston Marathon who don't train nearly as hard as what would be required for a 4 plate bench natty. Maybe 2.5 plate natty or 3.5 plate on gear would be closer.


A 315 and 405 bench aren't even in the same ballpark.

Or maybe your body's power output just declines greater than your VO2max you fucking retard.

I guess hes mixing up 4pl8 dl and 2pl8 bench?

quite the opposite, genetics must be shit. i could do 5pl8 on my first day, never even did many sports in high school

Using steroids the 4plate would be easier as the drugs are much better at building muscle strength than at improving cardiovascular endurance/dealing with that running pain.

Natty? 405 is way harder for someone not weighing 300+lbs than qualifying for a marathon