Has he found retribution?

Has he found retribution?

Attached: him.jpg (320x320, 14.03K)

What do you mean?

There is something really weird about this guy, and I am beginning to suspect it is the eyes.
>Too close together
>Too open
>Too round
He just looks like a child after a penis pump.

iirc he used to be irritable and a massive larper in different ways, but now he just seems to upload tips and shit without any of that crap.

Has he finally lost his virginity?

who is this?


he basically lives in his mom's basement

what does "basically" means? Does he live on his mom's basement or not? Also that's probably the case for many of his haters.

Jason Blaha Jr.
Turns out people with Kleinfelters aren't all sterile.

I'm not sure if it's in fact a basement he lives in, but might as well be.

People give Alex shit but he’s pretty good looking with the beard and has a great physique. Shame he’s so short but barring that he’s got good genetics.

Nogga are you fucking retarded? The answer you gave back was so fucking stupid and useless and a waste of time that i must waste my time as well. Read a fucking book, you realize being too vague or ambiguous makes you useless right?

This manlet is worse than Blaha. If you disagree, you're a niglet. Haven't seen any of his newer videos though.

wtf does niglet mean? White?

A mini nigger, basically

>huh he basically lives in his mom's basement I think kinda trust me
>I'm not sure if it's in fact a basement he lives in, but might as well be

Attached: 614.jpg (600x800, 52.73K)

>it's another "everyone shits on alex even though they haven't accomplished anything" thread

zoomers are animals. learn when to shut up

he lives in his own home and pays his parents' mortgage you insensitive faggot


never heard of him

29-year-old boomer here. Alex is a joke.

Post body

What is it about Alex that attracts this type of irredeemable autistic sperg ignorant of his mongoloid behavior. Pro tip you don't need a phd to see that nigga bonkers.


His past years on JewTube have been quite a cringe but for the last ~2 years there have been solid afvice.
Pullups = king.

He's relatable. The fact he knows for a Fact that we just want to look big in a tight shirt and then creates a whole program around it is cool

nice trips. have you read his book?

He's done a good job considering where he started from. Big youtube channel, rigid physique, becoming less autistic year by year. He could've become a loser sperg wasting his life away on some incel forum before killing himself at the age of 32, instead he chose to do something with his life.

savage and truth-pilled

>Pullups = king.
t. manlet