You know you made it when everyone (including coaches and fitness influencers) accuses you of roids even though you're...

you know you made it when everyone (including coaches and fitness influencers) accuses you of roids even though you're natty

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How is his herniated disc doing

He admitted it already. Go check, youre just not up to date faggot.

>deadlifts 700lbs as a teenage while being a shredded 185-190

Yeah, 100% natty bro.

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that was dylan mckenna and mckenna is still a liar. He says he only does oral cutting drugs which is complete horseshit. Laid is going to claim natty forever because that's how he sells products. McKenna was a fuck-ugly kid and now he's a fuck-ugly adult with an amazing body. Laid went from cute emaciated twink to ripped and really tall. His entire brand image depends on him claiming natural.

I think that he wasn't natty at some point to sell his programs (when he did his big prs in deadlift and bench), but that he is now and still have some remains like his shoulder-to-forearm vein.

I personally find him pretty honest now

He literally claims he put on all his muscle naturally and just uses cutting drugs to slim down.

he's a fucking liar, just less of one. Can't be admitting he's on tren because he's got to sell that bullshit power effect program to stupid teenagers.

Huh, I have shoulder to forearm vein and that has nothing to do with roids.
But I don't eat carbs and I take hydrochlorothiazide.

i was acused of roid in my best moment in 2011 when i was 24 years old and im natty, im working now to get there again at the age of 33

you can't go back to being natty. The second you inject yourself your cells permanently change, they will always have higher limits than naturals.

Lmao I'll never understand why these people just don't admit it. It's such a douchey cope

That's dope! How big are you? desu I only saw it on steroid users so I thought that it was impossible naturally

>you can't go back to being natty. The second you inject yourself your cells permanently change
there is some truth that going back to being natural is very hard but that cell change is broscience

Alright, I meant that he hasn't used steroids since.

He wasn't very clear on his cycle but he still admitted to be on steroids, so...

is this true? you're saying that one cycle and I could stop and still have a higher limit thanI would have before?

That whole group was on SARMs, Mckenna prolly graduated to pinning. Laid not yet, but he will.

>Lmao I'll never understand why these people just don't admit it. It's such a douchey cope
why? even if he is on gear he doesn't owe anyone anything. maybe his mom.

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Everyone knew Al Capone ran the mob but he wasn't about to tell the New York Times.

Steroids are illegal, going and bragging about all the crime he's done wouldn't exactly get him into MENSA.

I also doubt that. The only thing keeping his muscles right now is, at the very least, test. Those IG pics don't lie, his shoulders are still massive compared to the rest of his body.

>Laid not yet, but he will.
Whoops I pulled 600 lbs on deadlift just on sarms hahaha WHOOPS just wait until I actually pin guys!

Because he's saying he works harder than he actually does.

I was trying to find the study and it turns out it was on Mice. So there's a chance it has similar effects on humans but it's not proven, so I'll withdraw the cell change comment.

either way you'll never look like mckenna or laid naturally. Their whole squad is juicing.

He's a liar.

Alright, take a look at his strength, his bench used to be 390, now he is struggling with more than 315.
Apparently he takes a lot of times to take the perfect picture, if you look at his recent videos he looks good, but not that big.

He did have an injury recently which explains loss of strength for him along with no PR vids for some time now. Additionally you can't just go back to natty levels and keep excess muscle. What's excess for laid I'm not sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's on a low-dose just to keep his gains, particularly during quarantine.

I remember that Derek did a video about his cycle, saying that it was badly designed, I mean he might use tren and other shits like that now, but I don't understand why he would've lie about his first cycle, especially considering the fact that he has been for a long time saying that he will do everything needed to become a pro.

It's pretty simple:

He's still claiming he put on all his muscle naturally, so people will still buy his training programs since "I didn't get this muscle with steroids you guys!"

He knows it's going to be impossible to claim natty with dick skin on stage and muscles 2x the size of his head, so he's half-admitting what he's taking.

He still defends other obvious fake natties like Corn Masterson and Simeon Panda.

Additionally I think he's worried that he will get dropped by gymshark. Ryan Casey completely came clean and admitted he was on sarms and he got dropped instantly.

He injured his lower back, didn't he? Not his shoulders or something that would affect his bench no?
Yeah maybe, to be fair that's a possibility, nonetheless I've seen a lot of people saying that you keep some of that excess, to be fair he isn't as big as he was before.

He wasn't on halotestin either
Idk might be, he doesn't eat enough to warrant serious growth, that would explain it.
Also his sumo style is making him lift it barely 20 cm of the ground, fucking spider.

>Because he's saying he works harder than he actually does.
>people who roid work less hard.
that's the most skinny fat cope i've heard in weeks. the fact that you can achieve greater heights don't mean you work less hard. if anything you work harder.

I can have a decent physique naturally, but yeah I understand your point, but imo I don't think that he is a bad person, I like him, even if he might have lied before.
Why wasn't he fired before if it was really an issue? Or maybe they need to keep him to keep David and the others?

>Additionally I think he's worried that he will get dropped by gymshark. Ryan Casey completely came clean and admitted he was on sarms and he got dropped instantly.
I don't know anything about Ryan but it's cool that he has the balls to admit it, since it seems like a big no no to not admit it.

Of course you can have a decent physique naturally, but these IG bodybuilder models are warping the sense of what a normal decent body is. It's hugely impactful on kids on what is sexy, what is proper, and what realistic body goals are. I don't have any issue with people on steroids, even if they lie (they are illegal after all and easily dangerous). My problem with Dylan is he uses his steroid-enhance body to sell products to people trying to claim that said products will make you gain muscle like he did. That's straight up lying for profit.

Gymshark knows all their big athletes are juicing, they just don't want anyone knowing that publicly. Dumbass normie perception can very heavily affect a company's profits. Just look at James Gunn getting fired from directing Guardians of the Galaxy 3: it was all horseshit but disney did it because the twitter mob blew up and they didn't want anyone to boycott their movies, so they made a rash decision. Same deal with most any company.

It's really only a no-no if you're sponsored. No one really cares if you're just juicing to be big or compete in juiced shows.

He never injected stuff tho, he only did sarms when he broke those crazy PRs early 2018, then hopped off and that was that. His body up to that point looked excellent as a natty, truly gifted genetics.

I just say i'm natty even though its made super obvious i've been blasting for years. More funny that way and makes nattys who's been training for longer than me feel bad. Shits super funny lmao

I pull 405 and im 160lbs skelly my guy. Surely someone like laid that weights 195lbs can pull 585 natty. You're just delusional and weak

>that cell change is broscience

He pulled 675 at his peak, not 585

That's doing fake natty the right way. Not big enough to be obvious, and not small enough to be forgettable.

He's a 700lbs puller, ya simp. Gaining another 30lbs won't improve your deadlift by 300lbs.

there is a 270 lb difference between 405 and 675. The heavier weight gets the harder it is to pull. It's not like going from a 1pl8 squat to 2pl8.
