If your 'fitness' plan involves being in the yellow or above you're making yourself look and feel like shit for no reason.
When did you realize BMI was the truth?
Other urls found in this thread:
5'8 and 160 pound is optimal. This scale is shit.
>The truth
Are you retarded?
5'8" 160 is total gymnast/wrestler mode, how is that wrong?
Quit reading right there.
>I'm 6'0 205 with abs and veins in my abs.
have you ever attempted cardio?
Doubt it. Post body
>tfw obese to optimal
these quarantine days have been shit but haven't put on any fat thanks to based OMAD
not using FFMI
26.1 BMI lol
You don't look half as good as you think bro, no offense. Anyway, you're barely overweight yet you keep posting this medicore one arm flex and talking about how much you eat. Focus more on training and less on showing off your appetite until you've at least got something worth showing off.
Bmi is stupid, according to it im obese. But yet im 15-20% fat. Explain me that big brains
Damn someone is salty as fuck lol.
>I'm overweight and eat a lot of pizza
>Someone is salty
Just keep training bro. Like I said, I'm not trying to offend you, you're just not there yet. Glad you're enjoying the lifestyle but it takes a lot of hard work to get to something really worth bragging about. You're gonna make it, just be smart.
Caliper tested? That's a pretty wide variance.
Beautiful. This cope board will tell you left is builtmode and looks better in a shirt
You're 25% and look like shit which is why you will NEVER post body
bost pody
Dang nigga what's your routine
Talk about cope. He's giving you good advice. You should listen. Your carefully angled pose isn't fooling anyone.
Post body. Also what sport do you compete in?
Yas Forums's problem is their standard is bodybuilders who eat clen and tren hard so their scale is way off. Wrestlers (for muscular) and boxers (for leanness) are a better metric, as is MMA (for a balanced physique).
Naw he is triggered. Its blatantly obvious by the way he complains.
mirin pelvic belt hard, great job user.
When I looked at my fat maxes and compared them to my old skinny maxes.
How little I bought. And at how great a cost.
14 months?
i call bullshit
its definitely possible but not in 14 months UNLESS you have been lifting heavily while being fat
How many calories do you eat on OMAD and what height/weight you at currently? I'm 180lb at 5'9 trying to get a good metric to what my GW should be for OMAD, I'm already pretty strong so I want to keep my muscle too.
I have those same pants, I need to get those muscles though
started with 2 months OMAD keto no lifting
then unironically did SS+GOMAD then switched to OMAD and kept lifting heavy
heavy squats and deads 3 times a week will drop fat quick especially eating OMAD (lifting in morning and not eating until dinner)
then started more bugenhagen style shit doing weighted chins or OHP 4-5 times a week, every day I trained which help build strength and some muscle while cutting fat pretty hard
I only counted calories when I did OMAD keto for 2 months (1700 Cals a day)
when training and eating OMAD i didn't count, but i'd guess between 1500 and 2600 Cals a day, sometimes more when I would stress eat and order pizza and shit but usually probably 2000 Cal or less
>in the green
It really is the truth. The only exceptions are lifters and athletes.
You obese string bean mother fucker, fatass skinny bastard
did you lift before?
because you were at calorie deficit all the time except for GOMAD time, so im not sure how youd grow so much.
how much do you lift?
The US navy method is better than bmi
Yeah but only if you use the new bmi, the old formula is so simple people.maths.ox.ac.uk
I'm not very strong
but I was still in caloric excess for at least 4 months after OMAD, I just gradually reduced intake from 3000-4500 a day to 3000 a day, to 2300-2700 daily, etc. you get the picture
I had the goal to hit 3pl8 squat by the end of my first calendar year (started august) and when I fell a bit short I realized I was strong enough compared to when I started I really wanted to focus a lot more on cutting but kept training at the same weights I used to and tried to keep progressing if I could
moving more weight burns more calories and helps maintain strength gains longer I feel
Height/weight? That's incredible progress user
>200 lbs is only healthy at 6'4+
why is rippetoe promoting heart disease to lifters?
"yes" , it doesn't allow lard fats to get past with the no neck
pic related is from my scale i would use to weigh myself every day
starts after I finished keto for a couple months and before i started lifting
you can see where i gained weight and when i started losing it i was still eating a surplus
then you can see exactly where I started focusing more on eating less and cutting faster
12 month timeline in pic related, started ~205 lb before starting keto OMAD before this
how tall are you?
>how tall are you?