Where do you work Yas Forums ?

Where do you work Yas Forums ?

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I dress up like a girl in my room and sometimes men will buy me video games on steam but mostly my parents give me money.

Do your parents know you're a sissy faggot? What would your dad do if he found out haha

I am a railroad worker in europe

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NEET, will kill myself if it's looking like I have to work again

My Mom found my thigh highs in the laundry once but that's it.

Neetbux Incorporated

He would rape him.

full time neet


post anus

Welder Fabricator

Do alot of grinding and hand moving heavy pieces of steel, but I haven't really gotten any stronger doing it unfortunately. Probably too many singular piecemeal movements.

im a neet who lives off his parents' money

Junk removal and Hospice care. I deal with nothing but death all day, 13 days straight at a time.

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Post work uniform

Worked at a print shop. Currently a gov't neet. The schedule was great but I fucking hated it there.

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Full-time keeper of the home gym

I’m a project manager for an independent contractor at an executive jet manufacturer and I own a plan automotive engineering firm.


I'm a gay for pay pornstar, I probably make more than this guy by dominating men stronger than him

elevator tech

Work from home as a software developer.
So nothing really changed for me Corona wise.

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Budget Analyst. It’s an easy job but I hate it a lot.

I’m not huge but waaay bigger than the average person. You could make more money than me though, not sure what a GPS makes...I’m making more than enough to make me happy; if you make more, more power to you.

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I'm a lecturer in a university in the U.K.



American? Are you officer or enlisted?

What Subject?

I was in a IT service desk role until covid, now I'm unemployed. Been using my time to expand my programming knowledge.

No, in Europe. Medical branch, so currently rather busy in comparison. Comes in bursts though.

Specialist in experimental Archaeology

I'm a DJ at a strip club.

Basically the next step up from the dole

Nice, I went away from archeology because I was told in no uncertain terms that I'd have to go for a PHD and rock it or it would not be a good idea. Was linked to ancient oriental studies though, so maybe due to that.

I found some "odds and ends" job on craigslist. Right now I'm picking up logs and burning them. Before this I was ripping out floorboards and insulation. $15/hr. Pretty good

EMT for an IFT company. Weird time to work in the medical field but at least I can make money. Also fuck fat people.

>Where do you work Yas Forums ?
Gay porn

sounds good user, I always think the army is the lowest of the low. Not sure about the U.S. army.


Specialist/project manager in automotive tech industry. Worked previously in operational quality department, now in RnD. Planning to make it to middle management in few years.