Dude you're not eating enough, just force yourself to eat bro it's not that hard

>Dude you're not eating enough, just force yourself to eat bro it's not that hard
>You must not be counting your macros dude
>Skinnyfags have a good starting point unlike fatties, noob gains will come quick trust me!

Fuck you guys, ectomorph mode is a curse. I have to eat like a pig every day just to put on an ounce. Why is gaining a single pound so fucking difficult? I thought maybe adding liquid calories to my diet would help, but even half a gallon of milk in a day makes me want to puke considering I have to eat several meals alongside it. How do fat fucks stuff their face all day long? I get full and even sick easily, I hate food

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Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=blended chicken

I feel you brother skinnyfag here. I’m 160 try to reach 200 by the summer. I
Think it’s easier if you eat carbs and shitty processed crap like chips

Do you gym ?

i know that feel i always wonder why im progresing at a slow rate when im berely eating 2k calories a day
time to change that today i already ate 600g of ground beef for lunch and 2 scoops

Smear coconut oil and honey on bread and eat as snaq. Drizzle olive oil on all savory food. Eat bowl of ice cream before bed every night.

With added cheese and shovel peanut butter. Effortless calorie count gains.

I was skelly mode (132lbs) and made it to dyel/twink mode (156lbs) at 5'10 and just under a year(10 months) heres what I can gather:

> Dont need to GOMAD its probably more harmful to most than good but dont be picky either
>Greek yogurt is your friend you can replace the milk gallon with a full tub or 4pk a day with that and its prob cheaper
>Mass gainers with cashew milk and avacado has been essential
>Push yourself to eat big then lift as heavy with good form as much as you can sooner or later your body will adjust and expect to be fed to meet demands
>Eggs are your friend
>Hummus is your friend
>Dirty bulking is ok but dont expect to look or feel great after
I know tf bro, take a fatass thats obese and swap it around. You have to tell your body to eat even if it doesnt feel like it. Your appetite will change and so will the rest over time

Eat more faggot , you arent trying if you arent shitting 4x a day

Force feeding fucking sucks, but sometimes that's simply what it takes.

Just make shakes with milk and peanut butter you faggot

You have to eat food you LIKE

What do you LIKE BOY


Calories in, calories out. If you are stuck in skelly mode is because you are a a faggot with no discipline. You are just like the fatties who cry because "muh genetics". Go eat a burger.

Ectomorph here, I used to be called "chicken legs" cause I was fucking skinny.

I went from 56Kg to 70kg in 8 months.
It was last year.
Nowadays, Im at 78.

> Low carb at every meal (Rice, pasta, lentils...)
>veggies at every meal
>high protein at every meal (Chicken, red meat, turkey...)
>cottage cheese for desert at every meal

every afternoon : peanut butter + rice cracker

Before sleeping : protein shake or mass gainer (alternate)

+ protein shake after training ofc.

> eat more faggot

>last year I was 56kg
>now i'm 78kg

Getting pretty fat there, user.

The problem is that I'm genuinely just fucking lazy. I'll be hungry throughout the day, but not hungry enough that I'm starving so I literally eat like two meals a day. Eating is a chore for me

I'm never gonna make it bros

I'm " ectomorph " and I gained 30 pounds in 2 months, eat a pizza a day you faggot.

I Hired a coach, it helps a lot, my body fat is 11, my goal is 9

>be 6'3"
>have to eat a lot to gain
>gain but still skinnyfat
>weigh myself

post body

bro it is a million times easier to make it starting as a skelly. starting fat/skinnyfat takes so much time to undo the damage of gaining so much fat THEN putting on muscle. shit sucks

Drink your calories. You won't be able to notice it.

>Chicken drink (boiled chicken + water + blender)
>protein shakes
>whole milk + fruit smoothies

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You have been undereating for your whole life. Of course eating at a surplus is going to be hard on you. I sujest you eat at maintenance + 300 kcals to ensure you aren't losing weight. Fast weight gain is going to be mostly fat, so better take it slow and gain more muscle than fat.
Don't do retarded shit like this. Guzzleing vegetable fats is going to give you diarrhea(ie shitting out indigested food, thus no gains)

>I have to eat like a pig every day just to put on an ounce


Watch this and stfu.

Attached: 3544523.png (2000x2000, 1.37M)


>rpg-tier bodytypes
What is this 2008

Attached: DCIM001258364-2.png (222x321, 213.3K)

>blended chicken
what the fuck?

dont ever try to smell this 2 weeks after u forgot about it in the back of the fridge

>chicken drink
Holly shit.

If you boil the chicken in a crock pot first you get some great broth to make a soup out of. Second you got some soft chicken. Now put that into a blender with some spinach and water. Now you got Chicken Juice.

youtube.com/results?search_query=blended chicken

Ok mate I'm gonna help. So I have really small stomach, which means that I gotta drink my calories. Last summer I used to weigh 58kg/184cm which was fucking despicable. Now it's 70kg so that's progress. I made a thread here asking for some advice and this is what I learned:
1. Peanut butter everywhere. My metabolism is a fucking machine gun, so I would just make a shake every two days so I won't start to hate peanut butter after a while. One jar of peanut butter per 200ml of WHOLE milk. Whatever else you want to add, you can. Fat from PB is good fat.
2. Instead of chips or a small sandwich during the day, eat almonds or some other kind of nuts. It will keep you hungry, because you're not gonna think that a handful of almonds was your breakfast but you may think that about a small sandwich which will keep you from eating a real breakfast.
3. Find a buddy that will go to the gym with you and will tell you what to eat etc., basically make a friend who's at least knowledgable about this stuff. Internet won't give you everything.
4. Fry with butter, frying in oil makes you feel more full. It's also healthier.
5. Buy shit ton of food. It worked for me, I can't fucking stand wasting food so I'm gonna eat it anyways before it gets bad.
6. Don't drink beer when you're eating. It will make you feel more full.
7. Watch cooking shows. It makes most people feel hungry.
8. Excersise so you won't just shit everything you eat.
9. When you make all of it a routine, add whey to the peanut butter milkshakes.

Enjoy it while it lasts. A time will come when you cannot lose a pound to save yourself.