Why are white men like this?

Why are white men like this?

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P E T S C O P 2


>Why are white men like this?
We are super pretty and costumes are fun.

Otoh, Whites are the least likely to be gay/trans/queer/whatever. Everyone else is super gay compared to us and we still rock the look better than any of you. Sucks to be you, but it's the truth.

>Otoh, Whites are the least likely to be gay/trans/queer/whatever. Everyone else is super gay compared to us and we still rock the look better than any of you. Sucks to be you, but it's the truth.

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>no morals
>small penis
>no real father figure
>slutty mothers

>Whites are the least likely to be gay/trans/queer/whatever

I guess when your favorite website starts banding together as nazis, it can come as a shock to the few Indians and asians and niggers on here. Im sure your minds have become twisted with jealousy and now you resent us by making up absurd claims like this, sad!

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>Nonwhites are more likely than white segments of the U.S. population to identify as LGBT. The survey results show that 4.6% of African-Americans identify as LGBT, along with 4.0% of Hispanics and 4.3% of Asians. The disproportionately higher representation of LGBT status among nonwhite population segments corresponds to the slightly below-average 3.2% of white Americans who identified as LGBT.

You may now shut up and quietly leave the thread.

tl;dr: Don't hate us because we're better looking than you. Just be white, bro.


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Black Cope (tm).

>to identify
All these white " men " who do this shit still identify as straight males because they're closet cases. All you're proving is the few non-white homosexuals that exist are less self hating/more honest with themselves.

it's like every youtuber i used to watch decided to go mad. wtf happened

user came off annoying but studies do show lower rates of lgbt among whites.

>these are the lengths whites will go to to distorty the truth


Pathetic cucks, truly the weakest race.

Not franku

>more Black Cope (tm)
It must be so embarassing to be non-white. Ugly, gay and coping.

Is this supposed to be a negative?

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Maybe lgb but trannies are 95% white

Imagine caring about such a small difference. In the end, it's mostly whites that pushed political correctness and the acceptance of the lgbt+ wordsalad.

If black people are so ugly, then why is BLACKED so popular? Why are white guys jerking off to black dudes fucking white women constantly?

Cope. Plus y’all are probably white anyways. Why are you trying to pretend you’re black?

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Post blue eyes, blonde hair and pink penis/niples whitoid

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Post skin/body with timestamp

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At least I can pleasure a woman, babbydick.

Every one of your women CRAVES the BBC and this is what makes you so jealous. The future is ours cuck.

Try to read better.

>If black people are so ugly, then why is BLACKED so popular?
Because loads of Asians, Schlomos, Pajeets and Tyrones watch it.

>Why are white guys jerking off to black dudes fucking white women constantly?
Are we? Because it looks more like you're fapping to white guys wearing a wig and making a cutesy face for fun. Because you are gay.

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>white guys are the ones jerking off to black guys in porn
>white guys are the ones castrating themselves and dressing like women

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In every single Yas Forums twitter screencap they are white, I literally can't recall a single non-white person in those

More cope.

>A study of 253 men from Tanzania found that the average stretched flaccid penis length of Tanzanian males is 11 cm (4.53 inches) long, smaller than the worldwide average, stretched flaccid penis length of 13.24 cm (5.21 inches), and average erect penis length of 13.12 cm (5.17 inches).[29]

>A study of 115 men from Nigeria found that the average flaccid stretched penis length of Nigerian males is 13.37 cm (5.26 inches) long, which is near identical to the worldwide average, stretched flaccid penis length of 13.24 cm (5.21 inches) and average erect penis length of 13.12 cm (5.17 inches).[30]

Stroke that brown rice grain somewhere else. Again: Don't hate us because we look so much better than you. It's your fault for not being white.

>if I close my eyes and tell myself I'm big and strong, my daddy will love me, whoever he is
Ok, weird flex.

You keep relying on statistics that can't be proven while reality says different.

>In every single Yas Forums twitter screencap they are white, I literally can't recall a single non-white person in those
And? Do you think shitposting = reality or something, kid? That's sadder than the striped high socks you keep hidden from your obese mother.

Lol BLACKED posters are just white faggots

>t. Mexican

Brown people watch porn too user

more blacks are gay than whites


look at the white cuck COPE

>You keep relying on statistics that can't be proven while reality says different.

You got nothing, huh. Sad.

Sorry for your babydick, Tyrone.

Blatantly not true.
Yeah, normal porn. Not gay fetish porn.