When do i escape grape juice mode bros

when do i escape grape juice mode bros
post yours

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whats wrong with your biceps?

>tfw almost completely teal
Just need to get my OHP up but I’m too scared of snap city to do 1rm’s

Forgot pic

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>do ss gomad
they said
>you'll get a great foundation
great. just fucking great

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we shall escape grape juice mode soon brother

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wtf haha
what are your lifts bro


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Post lifts/body I’m genuinely interested. How long were you on SS? You know your sopposed to stop after like 6 months right?

Please excuse the phone posting, lifting rn

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post body larper

literally how? Even the skinniest of my friends had some blue after a month of training.
nice meme, but SS mode looks more like Idc about deadlifts and just do light sets of 10.

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>exceptional lats
how much weight do you add to your pull ups?

here are my lifts as of today

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twinsies. can't wait til the gym opens back up so i can go hard af

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K, 5'9 165lbs
>inb4 manlet
I only do unweighted, can do about 20-25 per set but I row 185x10

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>tfw rated subpar on all muscle groups at age 25

god fucking damn it bros. I've improved a lot in the last 3 weeks but I've got miles to go.

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just started training first week of april after never touching weights all my life

What program is this? I’ll show my wife’s feet if anyone can help me out

>exceptional with a body like this
Sure dyel

SS then HLM/some TM variant is the quickest way to get to yellow. If you don't care that much at least use it to get bodyweight bench, 1pl8 press and a 3pl8 squat for 5s before fucking off.

t. started purple/subpar and got to proficient man + exceptional deadlift in about a year just from following those "shitty" beginner LPs while my brosplit friends made 0 progress

Then coronachan ate my gains.

Post body

Well, everybody starts somewhere, just never stop improoving and good luck!

How do you even get to purple?

Were you in a coma?

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Can you post a video of the dips + 195lbs? How much do you weigh?

not everyone is a fatfuck like you or roiding

>when you walk several miles a day for most of your adult life but don't do any other form of exercise

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21, male, 163 lb

my squat is pretty meh

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get your bench press up by benching more...including close grip for boosting tricep strength

the OHP will follow