Want to start training neck, what do you guys do for neck?
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Neck bridges are the the shit for building a thick neck but also snap your shit up at the same time. You never get the same burn as with neck bridging from anything.
neck curls with higher reps, rolling your neck back at the top of deadlifts and rack pulls
>rolling your neck back at the top of deadlifts and rack pulls
That sounds incredibly dangerous
35lb Plate+ beanie and do neck crunches.
Ive just started this past week I try to get 3x12 at least 3x a week. Hoping that brings some gains
You either have a robust neck or you don't
it's directly linked to hormones and general body structure. If you're a thin wristed doughboy you'll never get even a prominent neck, let alone one like Mike fucking Tyson
>That sounds incredibly dangerous
looking up at the top is not that dangerous, just don't look left/right. Also you probably don't do this on a 1rm so you're safe.
you might be right, it would be better to do it with lighter weight shrugs
I find banded neck curls and extensions best.
Just attach the band to the back of the bench, lay down face up or down and stretch the band over your head.
(I normally have the bench on 15°)
I'm too self conscious to do any neck training in public, so I've used as many books as I can balance against my forehead and pushed them against my forehead in order to keep them in place and to add some extra resistance. I've done 5 sets of about 20 SLOW reps where I try to establish a mind muscle connection, which I mostly manage in the concentric part of the motion. After those 5 sets I do one minute of lying head rotations, without resistance, just for the pump.
Have gone from 42 cm neck to 43,5 cm in 2 months, from doing said routine on average twice per week. Not ideal routine but it works well enough.
Push my hand against my head as resistance on all 4 sides.
I'm still relatively new to this, so I superset plate neck curls and plate neck extensions, it's fast and convenient to load since I'm not using too much weight yet. You can also incorporate side neck and twisting movements (which I don't do because I'm lazy), use bands and neck harness if you have access to it. Just don't do bridges, you're risking snapping your shit up for no real benefit (unless you're a wrestler): youtu.be
Is that difference noticeable? I'm a baldfag so I really need a thicker neck to not look like a cancer patient
Mike Tyson neckbridges
I literally do neck curls at home, lying on my bed with a heavy frying pan on my head, lol.
It works though.
How often do you guy do them?
Why would I ever want to look like this?
He looks like a fucking mongoloid
forgot to say that I am trans uwu
Onions reply
Pencilneck seethe
I had a 21.5 inch neck (at 6'1 250lbs) at my peak, I did a lot of MMA training and 10ish hours of lifting a week and dedicated neck training most sessions for 10-20 mins. Bridges, neck pulls with weight, neck pulls with resistance bands, etc. Steroids help
Neck bridges cause massive trauma with bones and nerve issues that can cause permanent neck problems. Way safer and just as effective to to weighted neck curls.
>Mike Tyson neckbridges
>Is that difference noticeable?
I would say yes, it is about the difference between flexed and unflexed neck. I.e. when I flex I gain about another 1,5 cm. I had a decent sized neck before relative to my jaw, and it is the only training I would say is worth it from an aesthetic point of view.
This is a good one for beginners
no it doesn't faggot
just headbang, like corpsegrinder or corey taylor
>tfw i hypothesized a set of isometric exercises for the neck covering the 6 main axis of neck movement
>tfw i experimented with them on myself and gained an inch of neck circumference in a month with more prominent neck muscularity
share exercises
Finally I can chime in.
>be something like fit '16
>saw neck threads when they were getting popular
>all the comparison pics of dudes with thin vs thick neck
>had to do something bout my thin, low bf barely post-pubertal young neck
>start doing band exercises and bridges at home to not look stupid at gym
>basically destroyed my cspine systematically over ~4-5 months or so
>neck seemed like it was thicker(measured maybe a half inch increase circumference), definitely felt like it grew
>had to stop as I was getting sharp pain and crunching whenever I would move head
To this day my shit is still fucked because I thought I was too much of a big man and probably had bad form.
Wouldn't personally recommend neck bridges but ymmv; I have bad nerve pain moving my head at some angles still and if I rotate my head in just the horizontal plane I can hear grinding bone
You were fat
Yes please share