Reminder that a natural white guy is bigger than the biggest black steroid user
Why do blacks cope with steroids?
Reminder that a natural white guy is bigger than the biggest black steroid user
Why do blacks cope with steroids?
But he isn't, look at those arms, easily 2 inch difference at least..
Weak bl*cktoid genetics
Why are Americans so obssesed with black people?
Because we're stuck with them because Lincoln got shot before he could send them back to Africa like he wanted to.
>mike o'hearn is natty
It's moral.
He's not bigger. Not by a long shot. Nor is he natural
He's taller, that's all.
Mildly effective bait tho. C+
guys check out this serious cat driving lol
mind if i save this??
take it, it's all yours my friend :)
Damn bro funniest shit I've seen for a while
haha im lmaoing over this
>Mike O'Hearn
good bait, oh pee
Better than the rest of this weak bait thread
my fucking sides
every part of your post is false
Europeans should know the game. The elite are using the white guilt marxism game to flood your countries with arabs, and it's worked.
because they've interbred to create the american negro, now shut the fuck up
based kitteh
o hearn has nephilim blood
Because all their women are madly in love with the BBC.
50 year old natty guy coming through
So this is the power of duck eggs.
No, it hasn't. Europeans don't have white guilt, and most people hate the refugees. Only cucked countries like Germany and Sweden accept them.
Rent free