These are the people giving you advice on this board

These are the people giving you advice on this board.

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they just look normal I don't find the problem besides top right being a fatty

Guy on the tip of his toes.

>they just look normal
that's the problem

I'd love to see that squat in person.

>“You look alright I guess. I would say work on your shoulders more, maybe a little bit more chest too. Also, you should start cutting. Your bodyfat is too high. Overall I give your physique a 6/10. What do I look like? Heh, don’t worry about it. I’ve been browsing Yas Forums for a while. I know what I’m talking about.”

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still trust these autists hell of a lot more than say the autists on /k/

Why do they look like they’re dressed from 2006

Just don't eat the brownies

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2006 pretty lindy year

That's the issue.
They look completely normal. If I saw these guys irl I would assume they had never even touched a barbell before.

spot the guy who's not allowed to live within 500ft of a school or playground after trying to groom and meet a 15 year old girl on snapchat

damn isley is one handsome mofo now

Strongest plg poster, I heard he drowned in a lake running from the cops after a drug deal gone bad.

>damn isley is one handsome mofo now
he's on the government watch list

blushoes was not a power-lifter, he was an Olympic lifter

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No they aren't, one hasn't posted here for eight+ years, another quit lifting five years ago because he no longer enjoyed it, another just trains casually with his club, and then me in the squat and the guy behind me are actually good, but since we got jobs and girlfriends we don't have much shitposting time left.

>got jobs
after your father cut you off after two sexual assaults and one attempted child rape yeah you had to get a damn job

>Roiding for this

>cum brownies and maid traps

ok groomer
as in child groomer
like the 15 year old child you groomed on snapchat

remember that time you molested that black woman on the treadmill and got banned from the gym? pretty funny huh?

remember that time you sided with Wilks for some kind of hostile takeover of power-lifting and you got a ban from the sport?

remember when your dad said he'd never been so disappointed in you in his whole life since the last parent teacher conference when you were a kid?

remember when you got so drunk and crying you passed out and pissed yourself all over your friend's couch?

Hey Sean!

people still talk about you at the gym, you're permanently banned

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fucking kek

so true

>remember that time you molested that black woman on the treadmill and got banned from the gym? pretty funny huh?
Redpill me on this

Hello Ricedick Pubehead.

Why would I remember these projections from your own life?


Who are these doughy nerds? Is that fucking Izlee in the middle?

>implying all olympic coaches are buffer than their athletes
>implying all coaches in any sport are buffer than their athletes
you fuckin nerds might have gone to the gym but you idiots have never actually been in anything real. Its so easy to spot all you fuckin geeks

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Which one is Zyzz again?

What the fuck is this gay drama thread