Cardio Programs

This lockdown got us no gym so better run than settle. What are some good cardio programs?

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Running is one of the worst things you can do to your body.

Consider walking briskly.


No it is not. Jogging for 30 minutes three times a week is not going to damage your joints.

The worst cardio you can do is no cardio, running is cheap and can be done virtually anywhere, in moderation it has an extremely low rate of injury compared to team sports and even weights (which of course also have a very low injury rate done correctly) . Running is therefore an excellent option for people considering cardio programs, provided they are not morbidly obese in which case yes it could hurt joints, as would most activities for a person who is morbidly obese. OP I would recommend couch to 5k, very easy to follow and you'll see progress very quickly.

I just bought a bike.
Feels good man, like being a kid again.

But holy shit the seat hurts my taint.
Even after having the guy at the bike shop adjust the seat.

Stop being fat

>The Journal of Sports Medicine published a study that showed that the overall yearly incidence of running injuries is between 37-56% with rates varying between men and women. Other research articles place injury incidence rates as high as 70%.
From the sticky:
>An example of an excellent starting cardio plan is the Couch to 5Kplan, which starts from couch potato level and will transform you into being able to run a 5K without stopping in just two months.

Injury is a broad term, what are they including? What was the severity of these injuries? What level of fitness were the participants and to what level were they training?

Quotes like this are not informative without more information.

You're right.
The most common running injuries include:

Patellofemoral pain (PFPS)

Medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints)

Achilles tendinopathy/Achilles tendinitis

Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS)

Plantar fasciitis

Stress fractures of the metatarsals and tibia

I started roping skipping once every two days since the confinement began. Here's the program I did for myself :
4x 2min
4x 2min10
4x 2min20
4x 2min30
4x 4min
Once I reached 4minutes :
4x 4min with a double-under every 60 skips
4x 4min w/1d-u every 55skips
4x 4min w/1d-u every 50skips
All the way down to 4x 4min w/ 1d-u every 15 skips
Since 4x 4min with 1 double under every 10 skips is hard for me, here's what's next (not impossible but I get so tired that I start missing a lot of skips) :
4x 3min w/1d-u every 10 skips
4x 3min10 w/1d-u every 10 skips
All the way up to 4x 4min with 1 double under every 10 skips.

What do you guys think?

Yes it is. All runners consistently get injuries.

I've never heard of a walking related injury. Waking is by far the superior option.

>Yes it is. All runners consistently get injuries.

I don't.

>I've never heard of a walking related injury. Waking is by far the superior option.

Walking is not cardio.

>Walking is not cardio.
>knowing this little about exercise

No wonder you are fat.

The user is right. Just because you walked around the mall doesn't mean you did anything.

>4x 2min
>4x 2min10
>4x 2min20
>4x 2min30

you add 10 seconds each session until you reach 4 min or just whenever you feel like you could do it?


Holy shit shin splints are so fucking painful. I got them for the first time when I was like 11 when I was on the basketball team running drills. It’s actually excruciating.

You must actually be retarded if you can not get into the cardio zone while walking.

I truly pity you ;_;

>walking isn't cardio
Are you literally retarded?

I add 10 seconds every two days. Yes

FYI I can do a sub 22 minute 5k and no I'm not fat. Unless you are extremely overweight or elderly, walking is not sufficiently strenuous to be suitable cardio. By all means go for a nice walk, enjoy the weather etc. it's certainly better than being sedentary. But if you can talk in full sentences and you're not sweating your ass off, you are not doing cardio, and even if you walk fast it will not be as strenuous as running. It's a hard truth I'm not trying to be mean or dismissive.

It's good that you're considering cardio as important, because it is, but you have to push yourself more. You are absolutely capable of some incredible progress in this, and especially at the beginning it will come fast. If you're really very concerned about injury or even find running boring (which it often is), you can at least try cycling or swimming, but walking just cannot get your heart rate up like other forms of exercise can.

Just do 5k a day, then do 120 various push ups (I use the stairs to get an incline press) then as many pull ups as you can.

God I miss the sauna more than anything.

Just do kettlebell swings for 20 minutes a day bro

I do cardio kickboxing

I like to do laps dribbling a basketball around my neighborhood about 2.5 miles. The are movement keeps my heart rate over 140 the entire time and if I dribble faster it goes up even more. Plus it's getting me comfortable dribbling withiut looking.

>But if you can talk in full sentences and you're not sweating your ass off, you are not doing cardio
literally does not know what cardio is


If you can not get into the cardio zone by walking you are physically retarded.

Walking is good enough if you're carrying weight and ascending and decending elevation.

Okay go tell the hundred generations of hunter gatherers that their bodies aren't meant to run

>gruuuug we should live like caveman live glug

There's a reaon none of those hunter gatherers made there 30th birthday, brainlet

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You don't really seem mature enough for this discussion, and you're just repeating yourself. I'm trying one more time. You may think walking fast feels a bit tiring, but if you try running/cycling or even hill climbing as suggests, you'll realise what exertion really means. You owe it to yourself to push harder than just walking.

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