Natural exercises?

Other than walking what are some other exercises that are completely natural, not such that abuse hypertrophy or your cns.
>inb4 squats pushups etc.

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Squats and push ups.

Squats and push ups.

Sekrit swastika acrobatic yoga Science that got burned by the allies.
Other than that, every type of squats and push-ups.

the word 'natural' is meaningless in relation to body motion

Yeah, that's why you limbs evolved like that? Most of these exercises are bad and unnatural for you and your posture.

>Throwing stuff
>Swinging stuff
>Loaded carries
Curiously, it's pretty hard to train the core with such natural exercises. The ancient Greeks used breathing exercises to get abs, which has been tried and found to work well in Soviet sports science, but I can't think of anything else.

google movnat or methode naturelle

It depends on what type of throwing you're doing. If its in the same form as throwing a baseball, as in an over arm throw over your shoulders, then you can damage your shoulders over time and you'd be better off doing something else. Throwing things how you would a basketball would be better.

Atrocious posture and unnatural movements galore.
>methode naturelle
Seems to be the same garbage.

farmer walks

You are stupid. Why not admit you'd just rather be fat and weak

Climb trees

>Most of these exercises are bad and unnatural for you and your posture
Yes im sure the thousands of biomechanists that study it for a living have been silenced trying to get this vital information out

No, most of them just have different priorities.

Throwing things, jogging, climbing, seimming

Their job description literally includes finding the optimal way for humans to perform a movement.

And? Since they have no spewed it out they simply care about sports which are not natural at all.

Sports are more natural than sitting in a computer chair sperging about what is and isn't natural

What a flaming faggot.

Fighting, cross country hiking, climbing, swimming, building a home, play with son or daughter and sex just to name some of the most important things a normal human would do that can easily substitute going to a gym.

Agreed. It must have taken miles of dick for you to be so fucking retarded

You're the one who couldn't answer my question and just used authority fallacy. But it makes sense, you're completely unnatural.

You asked a retarded question and rightfully got laughed at because you're a fucking moron who doesn't understand an entire field of study involves the proper mechanics of human movement don't sit around sperging about exercise being unnateral.

So you still can't, imagine being that gay. Can you pull your dildo out off your ass for once?

For you sucking dick is a natural exercise because you're a retarded faggot.

why do you believe this?

what is this mentality that revolves around revulsion and disdain for anything that the person believes to be "non-functional" and other poorly thought out, nonsense ideas? it's so fucking pervasive and I have no idea why

what the fuck do you even mean by "natural"? i can guarantee you that if you lived in the wilderness hunting bears and climbing trees and shit, your "natural" body would be just as good in terms of "naturalness" as achieving a very basic level of strength, a good level of mobility and a great level of cardio, all of which can be done in a gym in 1/10th of the time and effort of living """""naturally"""""

Bear crawls and crawling in general.

I would put money on OP being a newfag who came to Yas Forums to get in shape during quarantine

Swinging from tree branches