Well Yas Forums?
Well Yas Forums?
that he's really upset that his tinder date was fat as fuck but with a good angle in her photo that made her seem healthy
fuck fat people and their angles
that fat women are fucking hot lol
me want to suck lady titty
Young Pierce with his first art piece.
The Architect: Origins
She’s breeding material. Fags will disagree.
That "body positivity" is mostly about fat sluts trying to shame hot dudes into fucking them.
She ate all of his food. FUCKING FAT BITCH
it has no meaning. that's just fetish art
Makes me wonder why only one of them is fat
I just can't comprehend someone being attracted to someone that's fat. Its an indicator of their lifestyle which is hedonistic and lazy and that's actually the only way that I can view fat people. A woman of that size is the type of women that you date for a while and they're holding a job and being productive but a few months into moving in with them they lose their job and then do nothing all day because they've achieved their end goal of someone getting them money so they can shove food into their face while doing absolutely nothing productive or substantive.
i literally cannot stop jacking off and cooming to chubby girls
that being said op pic is too fat bruh
I'd actually fucked a tinder date who was a fatty. And it was actually very fun. She was up to everything I wanted. And had really big titties, quite firm for her size, she could suckem herself no problem. And she cooked really well after sex
Lifter in Search of Test Boost
She's at a weight where the fat fucks with your hormones and fertility issues are common, user.
because i have a fat fetish... just because youre not attracted to it doesnt mean shit
So in other words you're a poser normie
I'm just stating my opinion. If you like fat broads I'm not judging you, I'm just saying I think its a gross lifestyle personally. You do you though, fat chicks need dick too.
Based Daffy Poster
The word art just means "Metaphor+Minimal effort" to any normalfag.
trips or truth
This, it's as massive a red flag as the bitch having dyed hair or tattoos up the ass.
If you can stomach her laziness and gluttony, her bad habits will rub off on you, slowly but surely.
The fire(grill) rises
oh sorry for getting a wee aggressive then, respect
Good god I want to get vored by her.
That’s a bingo.
Hey fatty
What makes you think that you deserve a fit boyfriend if you can’t even put the fucking fork down?
that fucking filename
Who is he?
Ok nigger
>This artist isnt that smart and im giving them more credit
The art peice is a comentary on the body standards of our society. The shadows consume what is less desireable(fat) the light of a new day sheds itself onto the body of a dyle. It isn't promoting being healthy brings light to someone whilst fat is darkness, as seen on the expressionless downward pointed faces of the two characters. Neither one of these people is happy. In being unhappy with ones self we seek human connection for the night and it has led us to be emotionless husks of a happy person. We have accepted the norm of being fat or dyle, yet acceptance dosent bring confiedence and happiness.
>tl;dr Dont be fat or dyle BE FUCKING JUICY and SWOLE
The crows know