What's your squat 1RM?

What's your squat 1RM?
(Also, how ya holdin up user?)

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I'm a compulsive liar.How the fuck do I stop?

Never tested my 1RM desu
i do 2 plates(100kg) for 8

how ya holdin up?

Man, tigers are so fucking cool.

you can probably squat like 130kg if your technique is good
ive been able to squat 100kg for 20 when my 1rm was 140kg

>I'm a compulsive liar.How the fuck do I stop?

Ask yourself why you lie. Are you afraid of something or being exposed? Or do you want to look more impressive to other people?

just to protect myself really, it's a coping mechanism (or so my therapist tells me)

>How the fuck do I stop?
My childhood friend was a compulsive liar as well. I think there is a deeper problem. Lying is the effect. Whta is the cause? Maybe you went through trauma, or are you ashamed of yourself, do you think ppl will dislike you if they find out who you are?
My friend's father died when my friend was young. He got a lot of mental problems from that, i think that's why he was a liar.

Living a life free from lies is so damn peaceful. It's bliss.

>(Also, how ya holdin up user?)

Very badly. I had been unhappy but coronavirus absolutely exposed everything with a double force. How much I hate living with my parents is something I was fully aware of but it had never occurred to me how little in common I have with my sister. I knew how much unappreciated I felt at work and how much of a waste of my time and effort it is but I literally sit in front of my computer and wonder 'why do I even bother?'. I dream of a change in my life that would turn things around but I'm too scared to pursue anything. I'm just saving money bit by bit every month to move out at some point. But during this Coronavirus thing which made me stay at home is when I realized there are zero people in my people in my life I could call my buddies. I worried my whole life about what others think of me and stayed defensive, never pursued any conflicts and surrendering whenever somebody attacked me and the end result is I'm a 31yo virgin with no memories of anything.

I'm not suicidal and I don't want to die. But I could die right now and I would have nothing to remember, nothing to flash before my eyes in my last moments except for disappointments and unfulfilled fantasies and plans.

A crippled sense of self esteem from years of bullying at home and school really, the usual

It was just easier to lie to people when you have social anxiety (e.g. where the fuck have you been for these past few weeks? ‘Ah just been revising a lot man, been on holiday for a week or two’) then say ‘yeah I’ve just been eating my lunch in the school toilets for the past three months no biggie haha’


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Only 150 kg, by far my worst lift. Feels bad man.

>just to protect myself really

yes but from what? you don't want the truth to come out. Why? Remember the times you lied and ask yourself what would happen if you had said the truth. Maybe there is a pattern to your lies?

I know what is coming is normie tier advice, but i would just say fuck it all. May it all come crushing. Because in the end, those are just feelings. And you are in control.
Do insight meditation to understand what feelings really are, what the self really is. To be able to break illusion, so you can clearly see the absolute, unbiased truth of all objects and events.
Start here:

I haven't done 1RM squatz for a very long time, but probably around 110-115kg before the Corona outbreak. Now it's probably absolutely pathetic, since I haven't squatted for quite some time.

4 plates, pretty close to atg. Probably 3.5 for perfect form

meditation sounds like a good plan

how long have you done it for?

I wouldn't know since I never lift weights.

why is it that most nations have chosen the lion as their, i dont fucking know, spirit animal or whatever instead of the tiger? the male lion is mostly lazy and just defends his territory once in a while, whereas the tiger is an absolute solo beast. let's not forget that the tiger would actually butcher the lion in a one to one.

>squatting once highbar
>my tested 1 rm lowbar is 180kg, but i could Maybe double it
>doing high bar for some time because doesnt fuck my elbows
>load 180kg
>squat it, barely grind it out, no safeties
>expected it to be somewhat hard but not RPE12
>count plates
>loaded 190kg by accident

i am not the smartest lad

out of achievements like that i also snatch grip DLd 195kg (with 5 kg more on one side) and conv dld 215kg same setup

Attached: squat_hhbbs_170kg-1.webm (780x1464, 2.89M)

all this talk of plastic surgery on this board wants to make me bite the bullet on my ugly face

also 130kg

Because Lions are unironically alpha as fuck. They look regal with a mane, they have others hunt for it, get first dibs on the meal and its harem and just acts like it's shit doesn't stink. Also, i'm pretty sure only the siberian tiger is actually larger than a full grown Lion.

max ever was 160kg
max pre lockdown 135kg
max now probably 110kg (just fuck my life up

The opposite happened to me few years ago. Wanted to do squat 5x5 at 70kg. Load the plate, do the first rep. Strange it's very light, well maybe I'm stronger so Iload again. Then I counted the plates. They were 50kg.forgot to count the bar and even weirder my bar is 10kg not 20 so it means I didn't forgot once but twice. Brain fart

Got 180kgx3 last week. Never maxed though.
I'm holding.

My best squat PR was 180 for 6 @ 82kg.

Now I am retraining with lowbar and only at a measly 140. My problem is shoulder discomfort.




Around 150kgs

Miss the gym just like everybody else

90kg was proven to be my 1RM when I got a fractured L1 from it two years ago. Rehab's working pretty well but it's still difficult (but getting easier) to sit up without back support.

How do I stop being so easily aggravated and not genuinely caring about what anyone else has to say? That's my main issue, I just don't care about anything at all these days despite badly wanting human connection that's not just that of work colleague relationships

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Dunno, heaviest I have done is 102.5kg for 3x5. Pretty good. I have hit 1/2 relative short time frame (4th month in gym coming up), but I think 3/4 will come later this year. And no, I'm not fat.


How did you # your L1?

Thank you. It's not consistent though and I wear oly shoes and a belt.


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190 innagym 182.5 at a meet

>stupidly rush back into gym at uni
>do 60kg x 5 easily enough
>decide I'll do a 70kg 1rm
>I'm tired and hungry at this point at the end of my workout, so 35kg on each side = 70kg for my brain
>I get the resulting 90kg off the bar and somewhat manage to take it down in proper form but it's too heavy
>halfway down I hear multiple pops, I go down on one knee, bar rolls off my back onto the floor because my mentality was >dude who needs safety bars lmao
>walk over to front desk and report myself as a casualty
>minutes later it hurts like a motherfucker
>walk out to ambulance eventually when it arrives an hour or two later
>get pumped the fuck up on pain meds on my way over so that I coast through hospital testing barely knowing what the fuck is going on
>hospital just has me lie on a table and make sure I can still raise my limbs under slight downward pressure before kicking me out with the diagnosis of a muscle spasm
>go a year before asking my GP why my spine seems to be slightly closer to the skin at one point, he flips his shit and tells me to get it xrayed
Did this shit to myself two years ago and it still feels like I haven't moved on