What are your hobbies lads? apart from lifting heavy things and putting them down

What are your hobbies lads? apart from lifting heavy things and putting them down.

Me? I draw, I'm into boxing and I love to run.

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I play piano


been doing magic since young, great hobby that's cool to break the ice and get people to ask you tons of stuff
that and cooking/baking

Piano and cooking mainly

cooking is a good hobby to get into.

I'm gonna try baking.

Where to start?

gardenin' (just harvested my first set of butterheads lettuce; blueberries and strawberries are ripening; tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos flowering

>pretty expensive but before the 'rona I would go to the range twice a month. Fun and, at least in my country, a pretty unpopular hobby that always gets people excited and they start asking about it when I mention it
>I like to really get into an author and read and re-read their books. I may only read like five or six books per year but I read the shit out of them
writing a journal
>about 30-45 minutes every night, before I go to bed. It's relaxing, helps me look at the things that happened to me during the day from a different angle. I truly believe this practice has made me a better person

I mostly use french websites but you can try mybakingaddiction

dont box.

think of cte

>Fun and, at least in my country, a pretty unpopular hobby that always gets people excited and they start asking about it when I mention it
Which cunt?

I really want to try to get into journaling too, what do you suggest?

One of the Baltic states hehe

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Good to see that you get positive responses and interest over there. It can be a touchy subject here in Ausfalia because people are so influenced by American media.

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Not that person, but I also journal before bed, 15-30 min usually. I honestly suggest getting some G-2 pens or similar, a notebook (if you aren't sure, buy a few different sized cheap ones) and have at it.
A lot of people get obsessed with the consumerism and end up with expensive fountain pens and stationary but don't end up actually writing all that much. What you put down on the page is more important than what you're writing with.

G-2 pens are my favorite easy writers, but you can google some other good pens (again, don't fall down the consumerist rabbit hole). Once you get into the swing of things and fill out your first notebook (which happens way faster than you think it would), you'll have a better idea of how you write/what you want in a good notebook and/or pen.

As for where to start? Just start by writing down your thoughts throughout the day. We all have fun fleeting thoughts, but most of us ignore and forget them 5 minutes after. I keep a small notepad for thoughts, and then I just personally write what happened that day and what I did and how I felt. Anything I read that was particularly inspiring/interesting I make sure to focus on putting down. I also make a schedule for the next day in my notebook which I reference throughout the next day, makes quarantine much more structured.

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When I started I would just pick some of the most intense emotions that I felt during the day and dive deep into it.
I'll give you an example:
I used to have a crush on this girl from work but I did not want to pursue anything with her because we were colleagues. You know what they say about dating your colleagues.
So I would write down what I felt when I was talking to her that day and I would start questioning myself what is it exactly that I like about her.
First, what do I know about her? I would list the things I know and it turns out to be a very short list, turns out I know next to nothing.
Okay, now, of the things that I know, what are the good or positive personal traits and what are the bad or negative traits (not objectively, these are just for me, everybody has their own taste, right?).
And then it's like:
The good: she laughs at my jokes
The bad: she mentioned that she did extasy one weekend
So why the fuck did I experience all these feelings, what are they based on? After more journaling it really came down to just the fact that my conversations with her felt genuine. She didn't seem fake, she just does her own thing and is not trying to impress anyone or fabricate some persona.
Anyone can be like her. Even I can be like that, I can emulate this behavior and I can attract someone better.

This is actually super detailed things about how to start and what items to use which i didnt think would be important, very much appreciated.
I also appreciate the what you write in it part, because my question was more in that direction. The schedule of the day also helps. I was thinking maybe writing some objectives and reflect to see if I achieved them?

This is another very good advice on how to write and what to write. I'm a bit lost on this since I wouldnt know how to start but I think what you're saying is a great example. I will start as soon as the notebook arrives!

its me again.
I just want to say that for me the most important part is to start something new and stick to it!

Journalign is a good hobby, i think it helps you see how you are living your life because when youre actually out there, everything goes by so fast that you dont appreciate it!

I yoyo. Yoyos are so sick. There are even different yoyo playstyles, in one playstyle for example the yoyo isn't even attached to the string

Attached: azyoyo+(7+of+7).jpg (683x1024, 314.32K)

i really like reading philosophy books
i dont usually have anyone to discuss the ideas from them with though which is sad, but the feeling of understanding the writer's point is really nice.

i also like going for long walks or long bicycle rides. I enjoy cooking.

Pc gaming.
Playing with/teaching my kids.
Reading all kinds of shit, this site included.
Practicing/studying a Japanese martial art.
Improving my home.

Whats your chess.com handle? 1V1 me

Yeah go on then son

Kaido tõmba nahhui siit


Holy shit based
Who won??

black got steamrolled then quit

I’ve been getting into gardening and general yard work a lot. Inherited my dads house a few years ago and ended up neglecting the yard for a long time, working and fixing my mistake now and it’s fun af

Also been working on restoring this rusty old axe that’s been in the garage forever.

It was me, not the guy who originally challenged you
I just clicked the link out of curiosity, didnt expect it would jump straight to the game
Didnt notice getting steamrolled btw, had to quit because work