what do?
This happens to you
Drink pickle juice if you're at home. Stretch it and massage it. Bite your cuck pillow and power through the pain.
take calcium pills
Use a knife to cut the scarabs out
What the fuck is happening there?
Calves is not so bad. When it's thighs, holy fuck.. i wanted to die.
he's made it to the point that his muscles work themselves out. He's a self perperutaing gains machine
get your dehydration fixed
Yeah especially driving home with a manual transmission, you can't even adjust your legs besides trying to pick your ass up to scoot across the seat, then you gotta hope your hips don't cramp up too or even your arms if they haven't recovered fully
this usually happens if you take a crack hoot right after doing squats
Ive never had a cramp anywhere even close to this or at all really
Pop a few vicodin and ask cuddy where my next fucking case is.
cute feet
I have had this happen to quads
Ardeth Baysed and Rickpilled
This movie was the sole reason I studied Arabic
this shit hurts so fucking bad sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night to it
I remember going back home from my first real arm workout on my motorcycle. I could crash every corner. Took the car after.
Damn imagine this happening while on LSD.
instant bad trip desu, the pain alone would suck
used to have this all the time. apparently its from over working your calves too hard. so i guess instead of doms you get to wake up to excruciating pain.
Eat some salt.
Stretch calf by bending foot up towards shin using your hands. Or by just squatting.
I learned how to fix cramps in bjj class. Also drink more water.
It doesn't happen to me because I'm never a nigger who doesn't drink water.
Take my magnesium/potassium thingy from the glovebox
He's a cyclist
turn off the video editing software?
If you feel one coming on, you should immediatly flex your foot upwards, so that you stretch your calf. Do it enough and it becomes a reflex, I do it automatically at night if I feel it coming on.
Draugr looking ass
Has there ever been a sport which ruined your body more than cycling? Why the fuck do peple do this to themselves?