I’m dying

sleeping 10-12 hours a day. Wake up feeling like shit.
Go to work as a manual laborer then come back jerk off and fall asleep.
I’m literally dying .
I was an alcoholic and meth addict for 10 years drinking everyday and now I’m obese and I think I’m dying , no energy at all

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dear diary

Fix your eating habits stop meth meth is for retards start nofap sleep around 8 hours not 10-12 lazy fuck wake up have a shower go to work or whatever come back home start caring about your appearrance more and start excercising

How are there like 4 of these fucking threads popping up in the hour? Jesus. You have the energy to make this shitty thread, use it to apply for a better job or go for a walk or something. Helpless fucking drug addict. Go see your doctor, Yas Forums isn't your psychiatrist

I got no energy to exercise, even to take a shower.

u used all ur fucking energy fucking around while drunk and iced up
now your too fat to do anything

I work manual labor but after work I’m too tired to do anything

Sleeping too much can make you feel like shit bro. Try to get some consistency - sleep 7-8 hours. Read a book or something that isn't social media for an hour. THEN jerk off and fall asleep.

Ur just old and weak
Find a better job and most importantly healthy diet and slow down on the caffeine stick to tea

So workout before if you have to. I work manual labor too but still hit the gym on the way home because it helps me sleep. Alcohol helps you pass it, it doesn't help you sleep

Without alcohol I have terrible shakes so I can’t quit that




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Well fix your diet and your sleep schedule first and stop meth nigger

I can’t fix my sleep or diet

So cut back bro, you know you need to

get a sleep study done. Could change your life you crack head

What’s a sleep study going to do exactly

He is drinking so much he gets the shakes, don't need a sleep study to tell why he's sleeping up to 12 hours.

>jerk off

theres your problem bratan
just dont coom brotskie

He needs rehab you dumbass

What will they do? Tell him to drink less?

>drink less
they will tell u to never touch another substance again your fucking stupid

You idiot.

Start with a few sets of 5-10 pushups
Do that everyday until your ready for a real routine
This will get you used to exercise and give you a light rush

>10 years
At that point you are as good as dead, enjoy your last few living months


I’m 25 this year, I’m young

35* sorry

Your not sleeping enough

true , I only sleep 10 hours because of work. On weekends depending on how much I drink I sleep for 24 hours + if I also take my sleeping meds

This has to be a bait. This nigger is mething it up, passing out from drinking, taking pills and wonders why he is in such a shit situation.

If I don’t then I wake up feeling suicidal. Not everyone is dealt the same cards in life.

You’re not young lol

>Not everyone is dealt the same cards in life
Yes, not everyone has a sub african IQ like you.
Fuck off with your diary, go to reddit, they will suck your dick, because you're a strong independent junkie.

My dad was killed in front of me and my childhood was homeless shelters and foster homes. Adulthood was drugs and prison. I did pretty good with the cards I’ve been dealt. I’m working a job now and out of trouble

Stop jerking off, stop meth, stop alcohol, sleep 8 hours, start working out, start eating a clean healthy diet.

You forgot to mention that you're a attention seeking subhuman.

This idiot doesn't want help, he just came here to somber over his incapability to make right decisions and get some emotional titfuck.