Can I live well, and even bulk well, on potatoes, onions, eggs and greens?

Can I live well, and even bulk well, on potatoes, onions, eggs and greens?

I'm living in a cabin in the middle of nowhere and I'm just going to go full cocoon mode for as long as possible.

All there is in the root cellar is potatoes, onions and kohl rabi, I'm picking up 20 ducks on monday.

I'll be able to hunt somewhat, but my main calories will be coming from what I mentioned.

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add milk and you are set

That would require going out, which is a 3 hour round trip. Why milk? fat? I can harvest walnuts and pine nuts in a while.

is seriously get some goats or maybe even a cow if you have the space for the dairy
also get some sauerkraut i don't want to lose a bro to scurvy
the rest should be fine you obviously won't have the gazillion pounds of protons the shills insist on that you need but if most of europe survived on what you plan on eating for hundreds of years you'll probably aswell


On it, thats what form the kohl rabi is in and I'm of course growing some summer veg.

fat is easy to get but calcium isnt i guess. you can make dried yoghurt too which is amazing for ur situation.
also make pickles and grap spices to vary your food taste.
and btw can you tell us your story? what happened mate?

is that your actual cabin?

Looks sick user

based cabin poster

oh and get rice and make yourself some beef jerky

Yeah I wondered about calcium, nettles and dark greens have tons and I've got plenty of them, I'll also get fish from time to time.

Not much of a story, I'm out here to write and escape the rona, I've got severe asthma so I'm not coming out until theres a vaccine.

Rice, hmm, might be worth it, I can imagine getting sick of potatoes.

rice can be easily stored while potatoes go bad after a while

oh man i hope you will be fine
this, get tons of pasta and rice they will last forever

also how are you gonna get your internet/electricity?

I got a PV panel for 4 bulbs and one AAP/USB port. Amazingly I get 3G here as theres a tower up for the firewatch posts.

Yeah you're probably right, I got some sunchokes in the ground also, but some diversity of carbs might be welcome.

thats good user
>but some diversity of carbs might be welcome.
exactly thats why i recommend getting potatos/pasta/rice.
consume potatos first till you have 0 left and follow the rest
good luck mate

Of course your cholesterol intake will be high as fuck, if eggs were your only protein source then you'll need like what? 10 a day?

Then again dietary cholesterol as no correlation with blood cholesterol.

He can get plenty of calcium just by eating the eggshells, idiot.

Plants are nutritionally empty and toxic if they're a significant part of your diet.

I highly suggest you eat more animal foods than just eggs and take the hunting more seriously. This notion of living off garden vegetables is a modern fantasy born out of ignorance, only peasants lived like that and they didn't live well.

>want the guy to eat eggs shills
>calling me an idiot
idk whos the idiot here. fag.

High cholesterol is a good thing, don't bring that reddit-tier vegan nonsense into this conversation. 10 eggs a day is nothing, indigenous people have been known to eat as much as 6lbs of meat a day.
Literally all you need is one eggshell every two days and you're set. You're a dumbass for not eating them.

In terms of intake proportions, whats the minimum animal source intake you recommend, I need to get a handle on how much I should think about hunting.

what are you fucking homeless lol? there are trillion better alternatives than eating a fucking egg shill

>nutritionally empty and toxic

He's not eating processed soi foods, the boys eating nettles ffs, which per 100g contains 670 mg potassium, 590 mg calcium, 18 mcg chromium, 270 mcg copper, 86 mg magnesium, and 4.4 mg iron.

Eggs *and* dairy are more than enough to get your B12 and protein daily intake.

Wish i was in your position friend, based as fuck needless to say

>ohhh no! My dainty wittle pwincess mouth can't handle eggshells!
>I need to dwink momma cow's teat milk for my calcium wike a wittle baby

how much do you pay for that cabin? or did you buy it?

id rather be a little baby than a homeless brainlet like you. i bet you wipe your ass with fucking leaves

Its my family's cabin, which is a normal thing in Scandinavia. My grandfather's father built it with his brothers when they inherited the family cow pastures, which is now forestry.

>onwy the finest silk can be allowed to touch my delicate wittle pwincess bum

You can hunt? That's all you need for protein. I'm presuming you have a firearm. Just go out and shoot a bird or a squirrel or something every couple of days for the protein. I'm jealous of you, I live in the city and all I want to do is do what you're doing right now! All the best and take care of yourself user!

I have a tradbow, so its a time consuming bastard to hunt, and I've not got much of a stomach for it.